Episode 3.1

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"How is Miguel?" 

"Ms. Diaz said that nothing has changed. He's still in his coma and..." I took a deep breathe. "I don't know. I guess I'm just excepting the worst with his situation." Every time my eyes closed I could see him falling over and over again in my head. Normally, a tear would have fallen down my cheek, but today I was all out of tears leaving me with anxiety and anger. Not a good mix.  

"Why are you expecting the worst?" Ms. Christy looked up from her notebook with real interest on her face. Mom and Dad thought that it was necessary that I go to therapy. I refused for a few days, but after the third night of nightmares, I thought it might help. 

"The last time I saw Miguel, he just looked so..." How did he look? He had been laying on the stairs, unconscious and hopeless. "He looked gone." 

"How are your nightmares? Are you still seeing the same images?" 

"Yes," was all I could say because I wasn't ready to talk about them quite yet. I had never been so disturbed by a series of dreams. 

"Do you think that going back to school and seeing all of your friends is going to stop the nightmares?" 

"Do I even have any friends left? Aisha's parents moved her away so she won't be there for me. Tory was never really a friend of mine. We got along for a couple of weeks but as soon as she got the chance she turned her back on me. And Robby is on the run from the police. I'm left with no one."

"What about Sam? Do you miss her?" 

"I think. When all of this first happened, I blamed myself for Miguel's fall. I had a chance to help him, but he told me to help Sam instead so I beat myself up over that one, small moment. But then I realized that it all pointed back to Sam. If she had never kissed Miguel then the fight would have never happened and life would be normal. I was taking my anger and frustration out on her when she really didn't deserve it. I should have called her but instead I've been ignoring her for the past two weeks." I've been ignoring everyone.

"What about the rivalry? When you go to school tomorrow, what are you going to do about the dojos?" 

I started sweating. I knew that was still going to be an issue with everyone. A two week suspension was not going to solve a 30 year rivalry between Miyagi Do and Cobra Kai. 

"I'll just stay as neutral as possible. I no longer belong to either side. Especially since I can't find Johnny. He's still not answering my calls and he's never at his apartment." I had been invited to rejoin Cobra Kai but I knew that I didn't want to be a cobra if Johnny Lawrence wasn't my sensei. Too bad he had disappeared from my life.

"There is still one more person you haven't talked about. How are you going to handle seeing Hawk?" My heart starting racing at the thought of seeing him. He had been the one who invited me back to Cobra Kai, which told me that he was going to be as aggressive as ever. Hawk was vulnerable and Kreese was taking advantage of him. 

"If I'm being honest, I'm scared to see him. I've been thinking a lot about him and how our friendship couldn't really be that bad because what's the worst that can happen? He falls off the balcony and ends up in a coma? What are the odds of that happening to another friend? But then I remember why I broke up with him and why I was so upset over it. The worst that can happen is that I don't recognize him. I'm terrified that he is going to be this brainwashed monster and I have no idea what I would do in that situation."

"What's the best thing that could happen?" 

"Well, the best thing that could happen would be if he was himself again." That seems to be the only thing I ever want. 

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