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The water had made it hard to see, but Tallulah had managed to reach the boat third, after John and JJ had. JJ had gripped onto the boat, looking inside at everything as he examined the boat's frame and exterior, followed by John B who stared to see what else there was. Lou had gripped onto the aluminum pole, holding up the overheard roof above the steering console, the metal was warm. It had succumbed to the temperature of the marsh waters.

It had definitely taken a dive for the worst and from seeing how things were missing, the group could tell it hadn't been there long. It didn't have a spot of algae crusting the boat siding, there weren't fish or plants making a new habitat yet within the boat interior. Of course, some pieces of the boat's frame seemed bent in odd ways, but the boat itself was in tact well.

Fingers glued to the boat's ledge, she stared inside, seeing Kie's feet kicking beside her to keep her treading below water. Glancing to her side, the burning in her eyes had subsided when she'd looked to John B. He stared to her from where he was across the boat, being at the back, before he pushed off. JJ had wrapped himself into a ball, bringing his feet to the edge of the boat where his hands were and pushed off like a monkey.

She did the same, seeing Pope reach the surface first and she swam up behind everyone else. The water causing a force as it pushed her back down. Lou couldn't help but recall what had happened to her  just the other day when surfing, or trying to actually. The way she'd fallen below the water until she couldn't swim anymore. How she hadn't been able to reach the surface again. How water had filled her lungs endlessly. How she'd passed out briefly.

Resurfacing, she let out a deep breath of air before sucking in an even bigger one. Her friends also gasping for air as they began to laugh in excitement at what they saw. "You guys saw that?" JJ breathed.

"Yeah." Pope nods.

"Yeah, I did." Kie breathed in deeply, a grin from ear to ear plastered across her face.

"Yeah." John B nods.

"And no dead bodies." Pope nods to Lou, who shook her head.

"Why is there a boat out here?" She asked, bringing a hand to her face as she wiped the residue away, glancing back and forth to her best friends, who all did the same in return.

They all swam toward one another, laughing in excitement at what they just found. "What the..." John B began, unable to explain his excitement about this boat they found.

"That's a Grady-White." JJ started, looking from JB to Pope. Lou was first to start swimming back to the boat, followed by Kie and Pope. "A new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy."

Making it to the back of the boat, she used the ladder to pull herself up onto the boat as the boats hauled themselves up from the side. One next to the other, the entire boat leaned to the left from their weight and John B got on first, followed by JJ and Pope. Dripping soaking wet, Tallulah helped Kie up before both girls searched for a towel.

"Okay!" Pope called.

"That's a primo rig." JJ said, falling into the boat like a slimy fish before making it to his knees.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." John B nodded, brushing a hand through his long wet hair and glanced over to the gang. "That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge. Maybe it his the jetty or something."

"You surged the surge?" Kie blurted out, questioning him. It was one of the nastiest places to surf, the waves were so rough they could wipe anyone out if they made the wrong move. The waves were dangerous and only the best of the best could surf there, but even then, they were smart not to surf there.

"Oh hell no." Lou said, waving a hand in the air as she rung her hair out, twisting it and shook her head.

John had let out a laugh at her comment before glancing to Kiara. "Yeah."

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