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Evening had turned to night by the time everyone had settled and the movie was halfway over, an older film of black and white. It wasn't some rom com movie, it was an intense thriller with action and deemed to keep everyone awake and on their feet. The sky was dark by now with very few lights on, mainly the one by the concession stand and the few near the water's edge. Stars kept the sky bright and beautiful as always, a wonder to stare at.

Kiara was still trying to figure out what the boys meant by how it was going down tonight and she wondered why Tallulah was so quiet, not having said anything about it, which led Kie to believe that Lou was in on it with the boys. It made sense when she had spoken to the boys about no slicin' and dicin', it gave off the idea that she knew what was happening.

Kie wanted to know badly because she didn't want to be left out when they were all supposed to help each other and stick together. She felt a little upset knowing JJ had the gun and that everything wasn't fine like JJ presumed it to be. 

However, when she'd sat back and gotten quiet as the movie started, she noticed JJ and Lou holding hands, she hadn't seen them holding hands when she arrived, but as they all grew quiet for the movie, she saw. It didn't make her question things really, at first she was surprised by it, but then remembered the fake dating 'game' set in place to make Rafe jealous.

It was twenty minutes into the movie when all four of them were quiet and JJ had taken Tallulah's hand, holding it loosely and comfortably. He remembered they were supposed to act like a couple, so he'd gone and take her hand once more. Though that time it surprised Lou because she knew JJ wasn't into the idea of them fake dating at all. He didn't want to do it and quite frankly, nor did she, but she had felt herself becoming closer with JJ because of it. Just the way they handled themselves recently seemed to prove it.

And so, lying quietly in her chair watching the movie, Lou's thumb rubbed against the back of JJ's hand soothingly as she watched the movie. It was something relaxing she found herself doing and hadn't realized she'd been doing it. So used to holding hands with old exes that she would casually rub the back of their hand, but JJ and her weren't even together. He didn't mind it, not questioning her so no attention was brought on to them. He had to admit though, the feeling was quite relaxing because it was new and for an odd reason meant more from her than a girl he'd hooked up with for one night.

Pope sat up from his seat, looking over to JJ, reaching across Lou to tap his leg. "Psst, I gotta piss."

"Hold it." JJ whispered, looking away from the movie screen. 

"I can't hold it. I drank too much soda." He replied, eagerly needing to go to the bathroom.

"It's too exposed. They'll totally see us."

"I gotta go." The boy pressed and looked back to see the three Kooks sitting on beach chairs watching the film. They were seated at the back purposely knowing the Pogues would need to use the washroom and could strike then. "They're blocking the bathrooms."

JJ looked around briefly. "Come on. I know where."

JJ's hand slipped from Lou's and she pulled her hand back, setting it to her lap as she turned in her seat, growing comfortable as her ass had become numb and sore. Kie had seen the boys get up and turned her head away from the film. "Hey, where y'all going?'

"We gotta wring it out." JJ told her.

"You gonna hold it for each other?" 

Tallulah giggled as she'd rolled over, looking back to the boys and when'd they disappeared, she looked back to Kie. 

They'd walked off.

After taking a leak like they said they would, they'd gone to return to their seats when Rafe had stopped the boys. JJ and Pope backing up casually, one was fearful as the other was quite cocky, and Rafe approached, rubbing the bottom of his nose as he cleared his throat. It was pitch black, no one could really see them since they were behind the movie screen by the water. It was quiet back where they were and movement couldn't be seen, hence there being no light to show their shadows.

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