What An Interesting Turn Of Events

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I must be dreaming, or dead! Because there is no FREAKIN WAY that a forest grew in my apartment!

On another note I'm still short! Maybe if I sat down and waited then I would wake up.

So I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

2 hours later...

"UGH! It's not working!!! Why am I still here?"

If you didn't notice, I am very upset. Suddenly my stomach started to growl. Grrrrrrrrr. Now I'm hungry, great.

I decided to wonder around and look for food. It wasn't like I would be going home anytime soon. As I walked through the bright forest I couldn't help but enjoy the view. The sun was out and the air was fresh and clean. The trees were full of color and they gave off a beautiful smell.

As I was enjoying the scenery when suddenly I heard the sound of running water, and when there is water there is food! I quickly ran (with my tiny legs) to where the sound of water was and I found a clear stream. What a coincidence!

I decided to look up and down the stream looking for any vegetation. My friend's dad was a hunter and whenever he decided to take us with him he would show us plants that were edible and plants that weren't. So I had a pretty good idea what to look for. Finally I saw a bush of strawberries. Yum!

I scrambled to the bush and started stuffing my face with the delicious treat. While I was eating I heard a noise from deep in the woods. It sounded like the cracking of a stick. I thought that maybe it was some type of animal, so I ignored it.

Suddenly I heard the noise again but this time it was louder and getting closer. I curiously turned around to see where the noise came from. Unfortunately my mouth was full of strawberries, and as soon as I saw that butt-ugly creature on top of that giant beastly monster dog, I choked. And it was not like the *cough cough* choking, it was like the *gag gag can't breath! strawberries down my throat* choking. I had to do the heimlich against a tree to get rid of the strawberries stuffed down my lungs.

The creature had the shape of a man but it's flesh looked decayed and it had gnarled hands and feet. It smelled of dead things and it's teeth were yellow and rotting. Personal hygiene much?

I, however, was much more worried about the giant wolf that it was riding. If I hadn't known better I would have thought that it was a Warg like from Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit.

"Ah, vogol zan foshnu. Lat marr-ora mir u ha."

I had no idea what that thing was saying but I wasn't going to stay around to find out. I bolted for the trees and ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. Dodge this, jump that, run faster. It was like a pattern. Even though I had been running for a while I was not getting very tired. Unfortunately the wolf and it's rider were gaining up on me and I couldn't run forever.

I frantically search for a convenient hiding place. Finally I found a tree that had a big enough ditch underneath it's tangled roots. I quickly ran towards the hole and wriggled my way in through the roots of the tree. I was safe. At least I thought I was.

The wolf started madly beating against the tree. For a while the tree's roots were sound, but by the tenth beating the roots started to crack and I started to panic. I was trapped inside the roots and there wasn't a hole big enough on the other side of the tree to get out. I was going to die! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!

On top of the fact that I was going to die it really, really, really stunk in here. That ugly human thing was also trying to get in. He kept jabbing his spear in through the holes. He eventually hit me and left a cut on my face. Ow!

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