Sharing Some Tears

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Túrthogor carried me to a beautiful home. It was surrounded with lovely plants and nature. I automatically felt peaceful. The door was, probably, made out of mahogany, and just like the one in the palace it had engravings. Túrthogor lightly knocked on the door and I could hear the faint sound of footsteps.

The door was quickly opened and revealed a dazzling lady...elf...elleth... Whatever. She had red hair like me but it was longer and prettier. Is everyone here prettier than me?

When she saw me she greeted me with a warm smile. Finally she looked up at Túrthogor it was like her eyes sparkled. I didn't even think that was humanly possible. She appeared to be star struck and when I looked a Túrthogor he had the same look, but only more manly.

Now, I'm no expert on relationships but I could tell that these two were madly I love with each other. I couldn't help but go "Awwwww!" They both turned and gave me a weird look. I didn't want to get caught so I started to play dumb.

"Huh? What? Wh-who said that? Where are they? That is just-that is just so weird, who would say that? Aw man they...must have left!" I even looked around pretending that I was searching for the culprit.

I think I played that pretty well, but I'm not completely sure because they were still staring at me. Eventually Túrthogor laughed and moved his hand in my direction.

"Vanadessë," he started (so that was her name) "This is Willow, the young elleth I spoke of earlier."

Her eyes immediately brightened when she heard my name and she caught me in her warm embrace. This surprised me, I wasn't usually the one for hugs. I slowly (awkwardly) wrapped my arms around her and patted her on the back for good measure.

"Oh Tatharneth, it is so wonderful to finally meet you!"

I stared at her with a blank look and cocked my head to the side. I don't know who she was talking to, but whoever it was...they weren't here. I was beginning to think that she was a special case.

When she saw my look of confusion she chuckled slightly. Was there something on my face?

"I apologize, you do not understand Sindarin do you?"

I shook my head. Not understanding at all. She sent me a worried look.

"Well, Tatharneth is Sindarin for Willow. Your own name."

Ohhhhh. It made sense now.

"If you do not like for me to call you this then-"

"No, no! It's fine....I actually like it."

She sent me a very dazzling smile then turned to Túrthogor.

Both Vanadessë and Túrthogor began to speak in another language. The same language that he and Oropher were talking in earlier

Finally they both turned to me.

"Please come inside. You must be tired and hungry." She said.

Now that she mentioned it I haven't eaten the entire time I was here. I eagerly nodded my head and followed her inside the beautiful cottage. Túrthogor was the last to walk in.

The cottage was warm and cozy. I was so happy that this was going to be my home, but I'm not completely sure how I'm going to cope. I am being adopted by actual elves. I'm just a normal human who was turned into an elf. Funny how that works.

They lead me to a room that looked like the living area. I sat down on a plush chair-thing. I literally sunk in.

"Tatharneth," Vanadessë began "As you know we are planning to take you in as our own."

I nodded my head in understanding.

"I would be very pleased if you told me about yourself."

Wow. I was a little surprised when she said that. I'm not usually the one to talk about myself, but if she wants to know then I'll tell her. Even though it might scare her away.

My thoughts must have shown up on my face because Vanadessë started to freak out.

"Oh no! I did not mean to trouble you! Maybe I have been to hasty, I should have never jumped to that subject!" She said frantically.

It looked like she was about to cry. I don't like it when I make people cry so I quickly responded.

"It's not your fault! I'm completely fine with talking about myself. Please don't be sad." My voice cracked at that last word.

Suddenly I couldn't hold it in and I began to cry. Seeing that I was crying, and thinking that it was her doing, Vanadessë began to cry too. We were both crying messes.

Poor Túrthogor stood there dumbfounded. He looked completely lost and a little freaked. It looked like he didn't know who to comfort.

"I am *sniff* so sorry." Vanadessë said.

"No *sniff* I'm sorry!" I said as I ran to hug her.

She eagerly accepted me into her embrace and we both cried together. Túrthogor still looked very distraught.

Finally we both settled down into small sniffles. We were still hugging each other. Suddenly Túrthogor came and wrapped his arms around us both.

"I believe," he said with a smile "That you will have no problem living with us."


I know that this chapter is shorter and I'm sorry. I just felt so bad for not updating soon enough. I also know that it's boring but I will try to make the next chapter more interesting.


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