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I was super excited to see Monty this morning. Jessica and I pulled up to the school, seeing a group of students surrounding something. Phones in hand recording, I saw Monty's jeep but no one in it. Jessica and I frowned in confusion as we parked, Justin came running up to us as we got out of the car.

"Monty is beating the shit out of Alex!" he said in a panic.

Without a second thought I ran toward the crowd, pushing my way through kids, I saw my boyfriend sitting on top of Alex punching him over and over in the face. I was in shock and the words to came out of my mouth like word vomit

"MONTY" I yelled, he didn't stop

"MONTOGOMERY" I yelled again with more force,

He stopped punching Alex and looked up at me, his gaze softened, Alex laying in a heap of blood on the ground. I was heated, my blood was boiling. He walked toward me slowly, students laughing.

"What? he started it" He said pointing to Alex, everyone laughed. Rage filled my veins

"And what are you doing?" I asked him crossing my arms

"Finishing it" He said.

I rolled my eyes and threw my hands up in the air and walked away. Grabbing my back pack from Jess.

"Alyssa!" I heard Monty yell. I just kept walking. I was so mad I couldn't see straight.

Mr. Porter broke up everyone and took Monty and Alex to the office.

I saw Alex later in the day, his face looked awful. I felt so bad for him. What in the world did he do to deserve this? Why did Monty hit him so hard?  I didn't see Monty the rest of the day until he came to pick me up after school. I was talking to Justin and Jess as he pulled up to the door, I waved goodbye and trudged to the jeep still mad at the events of the morning. I got in without a word to him or even a kiss.

"Are you still mad?" He asked, I didn't answer. He sighed and crossed my arms.

"I got suspended" He said, laying his hand on my thigh. I jerked my leg away from him still ignoring him.

"Come on Alyssa!" He said throwing his hands up

"What? What Monty??" I yelled "The one thing I asked you not to do, you do. Two years of dating and not once have you hit anybody or got mad, what was so bad that you had to almost kill Alex??" I yelled

He looked as if he had seen a ghost

"Well??" I crossed my arms

"I was driving, he walked right in front of the jeep, I slammed my breaks and he just went nuts, ask Justin he was in the jeep" I thought he was lying, I scoffed and got out of the Jeep and slammed the door.

"Alyssa!" he yelled getting out of the jeep too he grabbed my arm. I jerked away from him, 

He jumped a little "i'm sorry" He said. Remembering what he had done a year ago to cause em to leave, we stared at each other for a second, I turned and started walking again toward the main road.

"Alyssa!" Monty yelled

"Leave me alone" I yelled back, I kept walking. I heard him hit the hood of his jeep hard. I jumped as i turned the corner on the sidewalk walking towards Jessica's house.

 Next thing I know he is pulling up beside me, I kept walking trying to ignore him. 

"Get in the jeep Alyssa" He said

"No" I said softly still walking

"Quit being so fucking stubborn and get in the jeep" he said

"No" I said more stern this time

"We can go get food"he said sweetly, I stopped walking making him slam on his brakes. I opened the door to the jeep

"I'm only getting in because I'm hungry" I said "I'm still mad at you" He giggled, I got in and shut the door

"Whatever you say" I rolled my eyes "I love you loser" He said patting my leg

"I love you too jerk" I said. I smiled a little, we really couldn't fight long.

Our dinner at Rosie's was silent. Monty tried to make some bad jokes. I tried not to laugh, I was still mad. I heard the ding of the bell meaning someone was coming in. It was Alex. He slowly walked toward us.

"Hey guys" he said putting his hands in his pockets as he got to our table.
"Hey" I said sympathetically
"Look Monty, I'm sorry I freaked out on you. This whole fight was my fault. I knew I would make you mad and I still freaked out" he said to Monty. I looked between the boys
"It's ok man. I'm sorry for almost running over you" Monty said not taking his eyes off me.
"We good?" Alex asked him holding up his fist for a dap.
"We're good" Monty smiled and dapped Alex.
"I'll see you guys later" Alex said walking to the counter. I slightly waved.

Monty looked at me "we good?" He asked holding up his fist for a dap.
I laughed out loud, "yea we good" I said dapping him. He leaned across the table and kissed me. We both smiled.

"Hey I didn't get a kiss with my dap" Alex said laughing. We both laughed. I got up and kissed Alex on the cheek. He laughed "hey now you're boyfriend just beat me up don't make him do it again" we all laughed
"Wouldn't dream of it Standall" Monty followed me out the door patting Alex on the back as he walked by him.

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