Chapter 1

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Kathryn's P.O.V.

I was remembering back to a year ago. When I first met Xavier. We were best friends. I had been to his apartment several times. He always asked to come my my ''home'' but I always denied. Today, though, when he asked I said okay. I was going to tell him, everything. We were walking through the dense forest. ''Why are we in the woods?'' he asked for the millionth time. ''Do you trust me?'' I asked. ''Yes, of course I trust you.'' he replied. ''Okay, so shut up and follow me.'' I said. He sighed, giving in. I found my tree soon after and stopped. ''Why are we stopped?'' Xavier asked. ''This is home.'' I said pointing up to my small, roofed hut-ish thing.

''What?'' he asked.

''I live here. Here, come on up there is  a lot of things you should know.''

I began to climb up to my small hut. Gliding easily among the leaves and branches I saw Xavier was only a few feet below me. I sat down under the roof and waited for him to come and sit next to me.

''Do you trust me? I mean really trust me. Like, would you trust me with your life?''

''Yes, of course I do.''

''There is something I have been keeping from you for a long time.''

''What is it?''

''I'm not human.''

He laughed, '' Okay, funny. Now tell me what you really wanted to tell me.''

''I am not lying.''

''Prove it.''

He had obviously not expected me to turn into a black wolf right in front of him. I was small for a werewolf only about three feet tall. My teeth were pointy and sharp like knives and my claws were like razor blades. He had fear in his eyes but he did not move. I walked over to him and layed down. I placed my head in his lap so he would know I was safe. I shifted back.

''I'm sorry.'' I said.

''Sorry for what?''

''For not telling you. It's okay if you want to leave now.''

He pulled me into a hug and said, ''I know you are in control. I'm not leaving. I trust you.''

''There is more I havn't told you.''

I told him everything. My pack getting murdered, my plan for revenge, my whole story. He was okay with it and invited me to stay with him. I told him no and when he asked why I reminded him about the scouts. He was going to stay here for the night. It was already dark and it would be a long walk. We shared some oreos for dinner. We ate oreos all the time ever since that day in the store. I opened one and ate the frosting, I hated the cookie. He ate the cookie because he hated to frosting. I fell asleep with my head on his chest.

The next morning I awoke to branches breaking below. I got up and climbed to the nearest branch. Xavier followed me. I looked at him and told him to stay on the branch. Down below was a scout, still in his human form. I jumped from the tree and immediately kicked the man in the stomach. He stumbled back but did not fall. He shifted into a five foot tall grey wolf. I shifted into my wolf. I went straight at his jugular. Clamping down hard he was shacking, trying to get me off. He couldn't breath. His paw went up and a sharp pain shot through my arm. I did not loose my grip, soon he was on the ground, dead. Xavier was sataring at me, wide eyed when I shifted back. He climbed down the tree to me. ''I'm sorry you had to see that.'' I said. ''You are hurt.'' he said , his voice full of worry. I looked down at my arm and sure enough there was a long, deep, bloody cut. My arms was all red and my finger tips were dripping the red liquid. ''I'm fine.'' I said. ''No you are not. You need to go to the hospital.'' he said.

''It will be fine. Just leave it.''

'' No.''

''Look I have been fighting these guys and getting hurt ever since I was thirteen. I'm going to be fine. Okay?''

''Okay.'' he said sighing in defeat.

I walked him to his car on the edge of the forest and watched him drive off. I walked back to my tree-hut and went back to sleep after disposing of the scout's body.

Xavier's P.O.V.

I drove away from the forest. Drove away from my Kat. I was in love with her, even now that I knew everything. I couldn't bare the thought of how awful it must have been to live on your own since thirteen because everyone that you loved had been murdered right in front of you. She was still in danger, Luscious constantly searching for her. I fell back asleep on my bed soon after I got home.

Luscious's P.O.V.

That girl, Kathryn. How could all of the scouts I had sent gotten killed by that puny wolf-girl. I needed to kill her. If I did there would be no other wolf pack but my own. If I killed every other wolf I would get power, power that could be used to rule the word. I just needed to drink the blood from every werewolves heart besides the one's of my own pack. This girl was the only wolf in the way of my power, the power I was born to have. With this power I could mcontrol the mind of every human in the world. The world will be my servants, if I only had that girl's heart. I intended to kill her, slowly. Nothing would stand in my way, ever.


I really hoped you liked the first chapter of this. Picture of Xavier on the side. Only just a younger version of him, around twenty. I really hoped you like this. Please vote, comment, and fan me! I will dedicate the next chapter to the person who can send me the best couple name for Xavier and Kathryn. This chapter is dedicated to my other bestfriend BigDramaticUsername. Thank you for reading.


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