Chapter 7

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Kathryn's P.O.V.

It had been exactly one week since the incident with Xavier. He lived with us at the family estate. Everything was fine with Xander and I. Everything was perfect, I had sent Mom and Scarlet away to a safe house because I knew Luscious would be attacking soon. Until one day I woke up to a paper flying through the window and landing on my chest.


None of your little friends will be harmed if you come to my castle. Alone. I am a man of my word so we will fight, the final battle. Just you and me. Meet today, or everyone you love dies.


I didn't even think about it before I left. It wasn't long to get there in my wolf form. I walked to the court-yard where he was standing, in a fighting position. I growled and without thinking, lunged.

Xander's P.O.V.

I awoke to an empty bed. Kathryn and I had shared one because she said I scared the nightmares away. In her empty spot there was a note. Reading it over I knew exactly what she was going to do, she was going to fight Luscious. I knew she would kill him and that I shouldn't go after her. But I felt like I needed to. I tore up the note and ran outside, already a wolf, following her scent. When I finally saw her, her beautiful black fur was covered in blood. She looked scared but she refused to give up. She knew Luscious was to strong for her. For her wolf at least. I could tell she was trying to get her inner witch to come out, but she refused to. If her witch came out and melded with her wolf there was not way Luscious could stop her. I had never seen it happen before and I knew it was something that could terrify anyone.

Scarlet's P.O.V.

Mommy had sent me and grandma away. I didn't know why but she promised she would come back to me. I trusted my mommy, I knew she would come back. I loved her and I missed her so much. I want my mommy back now!

Xavier's P.O.V.

I awoke to an empty house. I just assumed she and Xander had gone out. God, I wish she loved me the way she did Xander. I had screwed up, I knew that but I loved her.  I wanted her back but as long as she was happy, I am too. If she never loves me that way again I could find some one else, I hope....

Kathryn's P.O.V.

The moment I saw Xander there, I froze. Luscious had obviously seen him to I heard in my head Ah, so you made your little boyfriend show up to save you. I thought you knew what would happen if you brought back-up? Then he took a step forward and lunged at him. Straight for his throat. I stood and lunged at Luscious, hitting him only enough for him to tear off most of the skin and fur on Xander's shoulder. He yelped. He had hurt my Xander. MY XANDER. MY XANDER! Nobody hurts my Xander and lives to tell the tale. My witch finally took over. My wolf and my witch melded together perfectly. My thick, black fur was burning bright red flames and my eyes were a deep, terrifying crimson. I lunged, straight at his throat, clamping onto my target easily. Luscious yelped, blood was pouring from him. I was covered in the crimson liquid from his body. Then he stopped, moving breathing, living. He was dead, it was over, I had killed Luscious. Suddenly I remembered Xander. Shifting back to my human form I ran to him, not caring that I was naked. I put my bloody hands over the gaping wound in his shoulder and pushed down, hard. He begged me to stop, I knew this was hurting him but he also knew that this was hurting me way more than him. His wound stopped bleeding and closed. A common witching spell, a healing spell. He ran to me and and grabbed me into his arms. ''It's finally over, you did it!'' he said, ''I love you. You have no idea how long I have wanted to say that.'' he finished. I crushed my lips to his and muttered, ''I love you too.''



There will be a short epilogue that will be posted today or tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed the story. She did it, got revenge and still got true love! Love you guys!


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