Chapter 3

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Kathryn's P.O.V.

Three weeks had passed. Three weeks since I had found my mother. Three weeks since Xavier and I had declared our love for each other. My mother and I moved in with Xavier. ''Xavier...'' I croaked.


''I... I need to leave.''


''I need to eat.''

''We have food in the kitchen.''

''My wolf needs blood! Either I leave now, or I kill you!''

''You wouldn't kill me!''

''You know how much my wolf has wanted to!? How much strength it takes not to tear your throat out?!'' I growled.

I stormed out the door before he could reply. It was midnight so the streets were clear. I shifted rigth were I stood. Today I wanted blood, human blood. Today I was a killer, today I did what I had wanted to do for so long. Today I was the monster I knew I was. I ran off, I could hear the footprints of my mother behind me.

I know what you're going to do. I heard in my head.

I'm a monster. This is what monsters do. We kill.

If you kill you are no better than Luscious.

I know. I'm worse. You can't stop me.

Why are you doing this?

I will not hurt him!

Xavier. You are becoming a monster for him?!

Yes, mom, I can't hurt him. If that means killing this entire state then I will!

She left then. I knew she was going to tell Xavier. He would think it was his fault. I let my insticts take over, chasing a scent of a man from about a mile away. I ran in the direction. There I saw the man, he was beating something.... It was a child. He was beating a child. I lunged at his throat, tearing it out. The child did not seem to care I had just killed a man. She ran up to me and dug her small fingers into my thick, black fur. She was hugging me,'' Thank- you" she whispered. I shifted back to my human form. I hugged the little girl back as she cried into my shoulder. ''Who was this man?''

''He was my adoptive dad. I'm an orphan. I don't have any other family. I don't have a mommy. Will you be my mommy? Pweese.''

''I suppose... come on why don't we go down to the adoption center?''

''Yay! Mommy, how come you are a wolf?''

''Sweetheart, I am and wolf and a person. I won't hurt you, promise. Just don't tell anyone, okay?''

''Mommy, I know you won't hurt me. Okay, I won't tell.''

''So, sweety what's your name?''

''My name is Scarlet and I'm 7.'' she said giggling.

I kissed her forehead and picked her up into my arms. We walked down to the adoption center and I explained.

''Okay, miss. Please tell me what happened.'' said the woman in a nasally voice

''I was walking and I heard a little girl crying. I walked over to where it was and I saw her huddled into the wall and the man, his throat torn out. I asked the little girl what happened and she said he was beating her and then she heard a thump and saw him dead. She said she saw a man running but she couldn't see what he looked like. Also, because she has nowhere to go, can I adopt this sweet little angel, Scarlet?''

The woman handed me a clipboard and told me to fill it out afterwards Scarlet would be mine. Cops came and interviewed both of us and we were free to go. I walked home with the sleeping child in my arms. I woke her up just as we got to the door. ''C'mon pumpkin. Let's go meet grandma and daddy.''

''The little girl hugged on to my knees but walked in with me. Immediately strong arms wrapped around me. I pulled away from Xavier so he would not squish Scarlet. He looked hurt until he saw her. ''Kathryn, can I talk to you alone for a minute?'' I nodded and told Scarlet to stay there for a minute.

''Who is she? Did you kill her parents?''

''No, I killed her adoptive father. He was beating her in the middle of the street. She doesn't have any family. I didn't eat tonight. I walked her to the adoption center, got interviewed by cops and signed her papers. She asked me to be her mommy.''

''You mean you're her mother now?''


''I trust you. Does that make me the father?''

''Only... only if you want to be.''

''Of course I do. Does she know what you are?''

''Yeah, she saw me kill him.''

''She is not scared of you?''


We walked back into the room with Scarlet. We all got to know her that night and then I tucked her under a blanket on the couch. She wanted to sleep alone. Mother went to her room and Xavier and I went to bed in our room.


Hey guys! How did you like chapter 3? Picture of Scarlet on the side. Found on google images so I do not know who she is. Please vote, comment, and fan me! Thanks! Sorry this chapter is so short! ~Gabby

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