11: Mr. Ollivander

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* Anastasia *
As I stepped out of the main floo on Diagon Alley, I saw Blaise standing just across the street.

Relieved to see someone I can actually stand to be around right now, I ran across the street and practically attacked him with a hug.

He chuckled, as he wrapped an arm around me, and said "Woah, what's up."

"Everything sucks." I said moodily.

"Why don't you tell me all about it after we've ordered." He said as we started walking to a small tucked away restaurant.

Once we had sat down and received the food he said "So what's going on."

I told him about everything that happened at the office that morning, and he advised me that I should just ignore it all because they'll both get over it eventually.

Deciding he was probably right, I changed the topic and we caught up on anything new that had happened in each-others' lives in the past two days only to find of he had hooked up with a pair of best friends that had attended my wedding with their parents.

Which was met with me scrunching up my face pretending to vomit, to which Blaise just chuckled.

As we were leaving the restaurant, and walking back to the floo the sound of an explosion went off at the end of Diagon Alley.

Blaise and I both turned around carefully to see the left side of Gringotts decimated and still partially on flames.

Quickly running a diagnostic spell to make sure there was nothing else that could cause another explosion, I went over to the site and surveyed the damage. I then sent a patronus to St. Mungo's telling them to send their emergency team to get the injured goblins, wizards, and witches treated.

I then quickly went back to the floo, after sending Blaise home and telling him to be safe, and made my way back to the ministry and practically ran to the auror offices.

Everyone was quietly and slowly working through all of the different documents. Deciding I shouldn't interrupt everyone before I tell Harry, I slow down and calmly walked to his office before knocking and going in.

As soon as I told Harry about the attack, we both summoned all of the aurors to lock their office doors and come back to the conference room.

We quickly announced what had happened and spilt up the fourteen aurors. Four aurors were sent to St. Mungo's to get witness testimonies from the injured, and the remaining ten were to go to Gringotts, along with Harry and myself, to clean up and get the employees and non-injured customer testimonies.

Before going through the temporarily activated floo to St. Mungo's David hesitated as if he wanted to say something to me, but then went through without saying anything.

Once the St. Mungo's group were all through, Harry went to Gringotts first and then all of the aurors started going through one at a time with Malfoy and I at the end.

When it was just Malfoy and I left, he turned to me before he stepped through the floo, and asked "Are you ok? You know cause you were there."

I gave him a small but, what I hoped was a, genuine smile, and said "Yes, I'm fine Draco. Thank you for asking."

I decided I could call him Draco, we were married after all.

He returned a small smile and went through the floo and I followed him through.

We had finished up at Gringotts and returned to the ministry, but the St. Mungo's team was yet to arrive, it makes sense considering the number of injured and smaller number of aurors sent there.

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