16: Twice in one day

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As the movie came the an end Teddy climbed onto Anastasia as best as he could, before trying to shake her awake.

Instead of waking up she swatted her hand at him and said "Go away Draco, I'm sleeping."

This clearly made Teddy mad because he practically screamed, "I'm not Draco," this is what effectively woke her up.

She apologized profusely for mistaking him for the wrong person.

Once we got home we all had lunch, and Anastasia put Teddy down for a small nap in our bed, after properly scourgifying the sheets of course.

I laid down on the couch as I waited for her to come back down so we could watch what she called "TV programs" on the weird box that was in the lady's parlor. She said it was her grandmother's and that one of her grandmother's muggle friends had her introduced her to it.

As she padded into the room, I saw she had changed into her pajamas again, but before I could even question it she walked over to me and laid down on top of me, burrowing her head into my chest.

"So why are you in your nightie?" I asked tipping my head as far down as I could.

She lifted her head off of my chest and said "it's the weekend I've nowhere to be because we've already come back home, and I'm not going to be inviting particularly important into the house so I can be extra comfortable."

"Wow, just when I thought I was someone important," I said feigning hurt.

She wiggled further up my body and said, "you are important, but you see me in my nightie everyday, so it doesn't matter," in between small pecks at my mouth.

I quickly deepened the kiss, threading my fingers through her hair and nibbling her bottom lip slightly, before slipping my tongue into her mouth.

I slipped my hand under the hem of her nightie to grab one side of her bum.

I slowly started kneading it, as she started to gyrate her hips against mine.

When I moved my other hand to push her robe off of her shoulder I heard a recognizable voice say "What is wrong with you two? It's the middle of the day, and your floo is open."

It's unfathomable how we've managed to be interrupted twice in one day, not even. It's almost as if the universe is working against me.

My hands quickly made a retreat, and our lips disconnected before we both sat up to greet Blaise.

"Terribly sorry Blaise, I got a bit caught up," Anastasia said as she adjusted her clothing.

"Yeah I can tell," he said while he sat down and poured himself a glass of firewhiskey. He then added "when did you too even start fucking, I mean haven't you been pretending that you still don't like each other for the past month."

Anastasia flushed a little and said "we had a conversation yesterday."

I quickly cut in and asked "The question is, why are you here Blaise?"

"Well I didn't here from either of you for the past three days, so I came by to make sure you were both alive, but you two felt the need to welcome me with an unwanted show." He said and then asked "Why aren't you guys just in bed?"

Anastasia's face went a few colors darker than she already was and said "Well, we're watching Teddy and he's napping in our bed."

"You two are sick and deluded. Were you guys seriously about to fuck when a little kid could walk in on you?" He said baffled.

"Yes, well she just put him down for a nap, so I doubt he would've been come down this soon anyway." I said trying to save face.

"That doesn't excuse your actions Malfoy. I've gone practically my whole life without seeing shorty over there," he tipped his head toward Anastasia, "in a compromising position, and you just ended my more than two decade streak."

Anastasia crossed her arms and scowled "yeah, well, what you just saw is nowhere near as bad as the stories I've had to hear from you. So, unless you want Skeeter to get a hold of those, I suggest you drop the matter."

"Hey I told you those in confidence." he huffed out as he pouted, then, as if he remembered something more consequential, the pout disappeared and he said "I'm surprised it didn't take you longer to stop pretending you like him Ana."

Anastasia suddenly looked slightly aggravated and at the same time haughty "Hey, I was never pretending. I was simply withholding the truth."

"Yeah, sure. I am glad though, I won't have to hear Malfoy moan about how you don't care. I mean it was really getting excessive, it's the only thing he talked about when Theo, him, and I met for drinks."

Anastasia snapped her head towards me, and I quickly turned my head down to hide my red face.

Before Blaise could elaborate Anastasia said "Yeah, well you have no right to judge us. I had an opportunity to speak to one Pansy Parkinson this morning, and she said something that made it seem like the two of you have been awfully good contact with each other recently. Care to explain? I mean you hated her a couple of months ago."

Blaise's eyes widened just a smidgen before he realized his mistake, and his face set into a stoic mask once again. "I don't know what you're talking about. The women is barmy, that doesn't mean I'm actually involved with her."

Anastasia glared at him "don't lie to me Blaise, I saw your eyes."

Blaise sighed and shook his a couple of times as though he were having an inner monologue "Well– to put it simply, I thought about what you said, you know before you married Draco, about how I should actually get to know a society girl because I'll get inevitably have to marry one. When I thought about it, I decided you were right about getting to know a girl on my own terms. I mean, yes it worked out for your two, but it isn't a guarantee, and seeing the way you had a hard time communicating led me to my conclusion."

Anastasia's face softened and she swiftly got up and walked the two feet that separated him and us before smothering him with a hug "I'm so happy for you, although I am curious as to why you chose Pansy."

He puffed out a large breath of air " Yes, well all of the other pureblood types I've bedded or even just conversed with have been a bit too wild for longterm relationships. I mean, I've definitely enjoyed sowing my oats and all of the crazy party tricks those women had up their sleeves, but it's not my particular preference. Anyway, I must ask, why are you in your nightie when Draco is in day clothes?"

As Anastasia walked back over to sit down next to me she properly tied her robe around her waist with the silk sash "well, we don't have any more plans for the day and aren't expecting anyone particularly important, so I decided to get comfortable."

Blaise suddenly looked offended, "hey, I'm important."

Anastasia smirked as she nestled herself into my side, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder "Draco said the same thing like ten minutes ago, but that's besides the point. Assuming you are important, I wasn't exactly expecting you."

Blaise pouted "wow, so much for being my best friend."

Anastasia giggled before blowing him a kiss.


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