5~Bunnies and there perfect hearing suck

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Has He been living under a rock? Well I guess a lot of rock cause it's hell but still. Do they have news in hell?

     "Yes? Is that weird?" I looked at him questionably.

     "I know how you said that I'm not allowed to kill but-" he started before I  stopped him.

     "No! That will get you on the most wanted list and why would you want to do that?!" I looked at him like he was crazy, and he was for thinking that's a good idea.

     He crossed his arms and looked away from me before mumbling, "Personal reason." What does he mean by personal reasons? Wasn't he born in hell or...- I honestly don't know what else it could be.

     "Can you explain how demons work?"

     He looked at me as if I completely changed the subject. Soon enough he started talking, "Sure? Most demons are created when a bad person under 15 dies and are not able to live up to their mistakes. They are basically taken pity on and turned into a demon. While there are exceptions to age, most older people are just tortured for eternity." He shrugged his shoulders as if that was normal to him.

     "Are you one of those younger people?" This bacon is surprisingly good considering it's made from Dabi's flames.

     "Yes. I am," he was probably wondering why I wanted to know.

     "Who rules hell?" I was wondering this for a while even before a demon appeared in my apartment alleyway.

     "Not the devil as Christians thought. Rather the Greeks were right about it. And other things like being gay, but it is the god Hades that rules hell, or the underworld as some people call it," He seemed happy about the Greeks and their gay ways. Actually more bisexual ways but not the point.

     "Wait what did Endeavor do to you when you were human?" I was starting to eat a piece of bacon.

     "Nothing but...- he is a bad person, maybe not anymore but he was terrible to his family and they deserve better," I kept eating my bacon not paying attention to his expression but I assume it's pity for the family. I realized he was still wearing the hoodie I gave him last night though that just popped into my head.

     "He keeps saying he is going out to dinner with his family, which I guess is good. So maybe he is changing?" I mumbled most of it because my mouth was full of eggs now.

     "That's surprising from an asshole," Dabi put his head resting on his hand, elbow on the table, looking away from me out the window, "Maybe people do change a bit."

     "Did you know him personally?"

     "Yes but not really," He started but then paused for a moment. "I knew him but not well. He was difficult to read and he would change from heroic with people around but when he was with his family he was mad and aggressive."

     "How do you know that?" I was confused as to why he knows this.

     "I have my ways," I could tell I was getting on his nerves and I didn't want to die so I stopped asking questions.

     "I have work today so I have to head out soon," I sat up and walked to the kitchen to put my dishes in the sink. Dabi finished his last piece of bacon then followed me to the kitchen.

                        ~.~Time Skip~.~

     I was flying to work knowing that if I took the train I would get swarmed by fans. Before I left I made Dabi change into something more practical. I was going to find some regular clothes for him when I got back. He said he was going to do some research while I was working so he would know more about what's going on in this world. I was okay with it as long as he didn't invade my personal belongings.

     I almost flew into a windmill but I quickly averted. I also came up on a group of crows and they weren't happy about me flying with them so they threw a fit. I needed to focus on work instead of the demon in my house. I arrived at the meeting being held and acknowledged the people in the room without saying anything. I was slightly late because of bird traffic but I wasn't any later than Rumi.

     The entire meeting was about the decrease in villain activity. Most people would be happy about the decrease in numbers, and they are, but it's odd. Why would they only start decreasing now. It's not like they ever gave up. Even after their failure at killing All Might at the USJ. All might is gone so you would think they would be stronger than ever. This is weird.

     "No," I stated, looking down, with my eyes on them. "Why would they only start to decrease now?"

     Endeavor started,"Maybe they finally realized that they could never win!" He started laughing and high diving other heroes that thought it was funny.

     "But at this point it's prime time for villainy with All Might gone. Don't you think it's a little odd? Not to be offensive but I would normally be the last one to figure this out, so everybody here is off their game. That is most likely what they want," I started going off with more detail.

     Some of the heroes looked at each other amazed that I caught that and none of them did. I was disappointed how idiotic they were.

     Rumi turned to me and asked, "How did you catch that? Wait- how are you so focused today, cause you aren't really focused. Are you in a relationship!!!!" Rumi would not leave me alone. Any time I act different she thinks I'm in a relationship. We started walking out of the room cause the meeting ended and some of the heroes wanted to plan. I had patrol with Rumi so I could not stay for the talk.

     "No I am not in a relationship," I mumbled, "however I do have a roommate now." I keep forgetting she has enhanced hearing because she is a bunny.

     "YOU HAVE A ROOMMATE!!!" Rumi yelled looking at me surprised and excited with a smile. 

     I got startled at how excited she was and jumped in front of her, quickly covering her mouth trying to shush her. My wings were fluffed and she thought that was cute. She started to calm down and talk again.

     "What's their name?" We kept walking on the sidewalk. There were people but not many because most people are at work or school.

     "His name- is not relevant," I stopped myself shoving my hand into my pockets looking away, not wanting her to find a demon in my apartment, "but you can't tell anyone. I would get into some big shit and I'm sorry to have to do this but you can't meet him either."

     "Too bad!" He exclaimed with her hands behind her back, "I'm gonna come to your apartment later so be ready." Rumi started to hop ahead, while I sat there dumb found at how much shit I would get in.

     She turned her head and yelled, "I would also like to know his name okay?!"

     She does know that we are on patrol together. Whatever, I am gonna go scout somewhere else. I have a job that requires effort and hard work.

                   ~.~Another Time Skip~.~

     I opened the door to see Dabi on the computer, legs barely squished in the chair with his, watching funny cat videos. "Ehh. I had a long day, this isn't the worst that has happened," I groaned plopping on the couch with one arm sling over my face.

     "What happened in work that got you annoyed?"

     "I have a friend coming over and she knows you live here."

     "That- wait so I will be discovered already? On my first day of being in the human world after a while," He complained.

     "Look it's not my fault she has bunny hearing!" I yelled doing a sit up arms spread, without bending my legs.

     "Is she a bunny?!" He tilted his head to the side.

     I sat up fully, an annoyed face, and crossed legs and arms then retorted, "Yes! As a matter of fact she is and she is also pretty smart! She is also kinda a brat but that's not the point."

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