The Boy

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Despite my countless refusing, I have to go live with Elizabeth now, in the middle of nowhere in some place called Pelican Town. Apparently she owns our grandfather's farm there. If dad wasn't fighting the Gotoro Empire, I wouldn't have to move out of ZuZu city. I'm going to bore myself out with farm work, and the town is probably filled with old people looking for a way to spend their final days.
(In text)
Elizabeth: Hey kid! I'm excitedly see you after so long!

Y/N: Same here ig

Elizabeth: Oh, come on, it's  not that bad! You'll fit right in with some of the kids your age. Anyways, see you in a couple hours!

Y/N: Ok cya

There was people my age? Probably all preppy teenagers shopping for a vacation home. I packed my bags, threw on the nearest Green Day t-shirt, pair of black jeans, and green flannel. I rolled up my sleeves and walked to the bus stop.

There wasn't that many people on the bus, just an old couple. I sat down on the aisle next to them
"Nice shirt," the old man said.
"Heh, thanks," I replied. How does he ever know who Green Day is? Whatever, probably dementia.
"Where are you headed?" The man asked, "Name's George, by the way."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N," I replied, "I'm heading for Pelican Town."
"Oh?" The old woman piped in, "We actually live there."
"Then why are you in ZuZu city?" I inquired.
"George needed medication you can't find in Pelican," she said, "My names Evelyn."
"Oh, nice to meet you," I replied, "I've had a long day, I'm going to take a nap, okay?"
"Fine with me," George interjected. Rude. I plugged in headphones drifted off to sleep.

Time skip

"Dear?" A familiar voice said. It was Evelyn, "We're here."
"Okay, thanks," I replied as I got off the bus, "I'll see you around." Then a familiar voice greeted me with open arms.
"Y/N!!!" Elizabeth exclaimed, arms open, ready for a hug, "I've missed you so much!"
"Yeah, yeah," I replied, "Same here, it's been so long."
"I can't wait to show you the farm!" She gushed, "You're going to love it!"
"How's Haaaaaaaarveeeeeeeyyyyy?" I teased, knowing full well who the doctor was from all of the texts Elizabeth has sent me telling me how great he was.
She blushed. "He is quite well, actually," she retorted, "Anyway, come with me, I'm going to give you a tour or the farm, and then you can explore Pelican Town by yourself!"
"Alright," I sighed. I followed her as she showed me the farmhouse and my room.
"Here is the coop, and there's the barn..." she rambled on. She had accomplished a lot from the time I last saw her, I mean, it has been two years. The scenery wasn't bad, and the farm didn't smell like gasoline and smoke, unlike ZuZu city.
"Wow, great," I replied.
"You weren't paying attention, we're you?" Elizabeth accused.
"No, I was," I lied, "Your farm is just really pretty, with the river flowing through it and everything."
"Oh, okay then," she replied, "I'm going to introduce you to the mayor, and then the rest of the day is yours."
We walked down the gravel road to the actual town. There was a general store, a hospital (I'm guessing that's where Harvey works), a saloon, a blacksmith, a museum and a bunch of houses. The biggest of all was the mayor's house. Elizabeth knocked on the door, and soon an old man (not surprising), opened the door.
"Oh, hello there Elizabeth," he said.
"Hi Mayor Lewis!" Elizabeth replied, "This is my younger sibling, Y/N."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N, I'm the mayor of this town," Lewis said.
"Nice to meet you as well," I said in my most polite tone.
"I'm quite sure Elizabeth has shown you around?" He asked me.
"Yes she has," I replied.
"Anyway, I said they could have the rest of the day to themselves," Elizabeth piped in, "so we'll be going."
"Alright," Mayor Lewis whispered rather loudly in my sister's ear, "Keep them out of trouble, I don't want her and Sam getting any ideas."
What a douche. And who the hell is Sam? I don't really care, but Mayor Lewis can kiss my ass.

I waved to my sister and walked away. The old couple on the bus's house was right behind the mayor's, and there were a couple houses south and one house north of the town. I was taking note of everything I saw, hoping I remembered to bring some extra sheets of paper to do some songwriting. Once I get out of here, maybe I can actually pursue a career in songwriting. I was walking home when some random thing knocked me over.
"Hey!" I snapped, "Watch it!"
"Oh crap I'm sorry," a boy with blonde spiky hair said as he got off of his skateboard and came to help me up.
"Next time watch where you're going!" I jabbed.
"Look, it was my bad," he replied, scratching his neck, "Name's Sam, you?"
"Y/N," I replied, still mad about the whole incident. So this is Sam, what a dork.
"Hey, you're that new person Elizabeth was talking about, her sibling, right?" He asked with enthusiasm, completely disregarding what just happened.
"Yup, that's me," I said.
"Nice to meet you!" He replied.
"Same here," I sighed, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta get home."
"Oh yeah, sorry to keep you waiting," he said kind of sadly, "See ya around."
Damn, he is really annoying

Sam: 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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