The Community Center

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Y/N: sebbbbbbbbbbbb

Sebastian: yo

Y/N: why did you make me go into another room with sammmmmm

Sebastian: bc you needed to work out ur problem with him. Soooo did it work

Y/N: maybeeeee

Sebastian: then I made the right decision

Y/N: heh, thx :)

I woke up on the couch, Elizabeth next to me, passed out on the floor. Wow, she's having a hangover at the worst possible time. I checked my phone to see what time it was. 12:00 pm. I got up and went outside. There was a letter in the mail saying the egg hunt was tomorrow. I'll have to ask Elizabeth what that is. I did the farm chores and went into town. I needed to buy more Joja Cola just in case Liz decided to "invite" people over. I walked in and was immediately greeted by a middle-aged man with glasses.
"Hello, young newcomer!" He said over-enthusiastically.
"Um, hi," I replied.
"Well, I wanted to tell you about a wonderful opportunity you have!" He started, "Mayor Lewis said if one more person buys a Joja membership, we can turn that run-down community center into a Joja warehouse!"
I had seen that community center before, it was really overgrown, and it looked out of place compared to the rest of the town.
I was contemplating whether I should buy it when Sam, out of nowhere, pulls me aside.
"Give us a sec, Morris," he said.
"Why are you always wherever I go?!" I gasped.
"Look," Sam whispered, "I don't mean to bother you, but don't buy the membership, okay?"
"Why?" I asked.
"I might not look like it, but I've figured out how to restore the community center, and don't get me wrong, I like Joja Cola, but Joja doesn't belong out here," He said.
"Okay then, how to we restore it?"
"Just meet me at Marnie's ranch, at about 5:00, that's when I get off my shift," he said.
"Alright, see you then," I replied as I walked out of the store.
"But what about-" Morris started as I closed the door behind me.
I wonder what Sam had in mind, I kept convincing myself this wasn't a date. I couldn't be, after all, I still thought he was somewhat annoying. I have noticed some weird tower along the southeastern part of the Cindersap Forest, but maybe that was abandoned, just like the community center.
I walked back to the farm, still pondering what was going to happen. Maybe Elizabeth knew some more about the community center.
"Oh, hey Y/N," Abigail said from the bus stop.
"What's up Abigail?" I asked.
"Nothing really," She replied, "Sam told me that you two were doing something later. Is it a date?" She smirked.
"Of course not!" I yelled, "He just told me to meet him at Marnie's ranch by 5:00."
"Sounds like a date to me,"she said slyly.
"It. Is. Not. A. Date!" I huffed.
"Fine, fine, you win," she laughed, "Keep me posted on your not-date, kay?"
"Sounds good," I replied, "And it isn't a date!" She laughed as I walked away. I needed to get back to the farm anyway. Knowing Elizabeth, she probably had answers. I opened the door to the farmhouse to find Elizabeth's head in the fridge.
"Hey, Y/N, didn't see ya there~," she slurred. Still hung over, yay.
"Hey Liz, I'm going to be gone for a while around five, are you going to be okay?" I asked.
"Woooo! You've finally got a date!" She said, "Who is it?"
"First of all, it's not a date!" I started, "And I'm going to be with Sam."
"I thought you didn't like hi-"
"We sorted out our differences last night," I said, "Enough questions, I'll be going now."
I walked out of the door in a huff, and checked my phone. 5:15! Damn it, I'm late!

I sprinted to the ranch, just in time to catch Sam before he left.
"Ah, Y/N!" He exclaimed, "I thought you weren't coming."
"Yeah, sorry about that," I said sheepishly, "Anyway, what did you bring me here for?"
"Are you up for a little borrowing?" He asked.
"That's stealing!" I exclaimed.
"It's not stealing if you put it back!" He retorted, scratching his neck.
"Fine," I replied.
"Here drink this," he said, holding out a bottle, "You're gonna see things, but it'll be over in a few minutes. I've already drank it, it's not bad."
"Alright," I sighed as I took a swig of the green liquid inside. And he was right, as bunch of visions of trees and plants were crowding my vision. It was a weird experience, but it was gone in a few minutes.
"Better?" Sam asked.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Okay, we're gonna snag a key from Lewis next, okay?" He said.
"Something tells me you've done something like this before," I said skeptically.
"I mean, you are looking at the person with the most community service hours in Pelican Town," he smirked, "Come on, let's go."
He took my hand and we walked to Mayor Lewis's house. We crept silently behind his truck, and snagged the community center's key. We ran, laughing our heads off the entire way. I haven't laughed that hard before, but it felt good.
"Alrighty," Sam said, "Let's open it up."
"You do the honors, my friend," I replied, hoping to get something out of him.
"DID YOU JUST I'M YOUR FRIEND!?" He exclaimed over dramatically.
"Well yeah," I sighed, "Since were doing this, I mean, doesn't that make us friends?"
"Yeah, I guess it does," he said, "I'm glad."
"Same here," I replied, "Now let's open this thing!"
He unlocked the community center and we looked around. There was a pantry, kitchen, craft room, bulletin board, fish tank, boiler room, and vault.
"Dang," I said, "This is DEFINITELY a fixer-upper."
"Yeah," he replied. I started to shiver. "Oh, let me give you my sweatshirt, you seem cold."
He handed me the blue hoodie he always wore.
"I'm gonna need that back though."
"Yeah, yeah, fine," I scoffed, "Hmm, what's this?" I pointed to the golden scroll on the floor.
"I dunno," Sam shrugged. Upon closer inspection, it was a set of bundles.
"Put a leek, dandelion, daffodil, and wild horseradish to complete the spring foraging bundle," I recited, "I have a horseradish and dandelion, how about you?"
"I have a leek and daffodil," Sam replied, "I think we're supposed to put them on the scroll."
"No shit Sherlock," I teased. We put the items on the scroll and this green thing popped up out of nowhere. "What the hell was that?!"
"I don't know, but the stuff's gone," Sam directed my attention back to the scroll, "I think we're doing this right. Anyway, I've gotta get back home, my mom's probably worried sick right now."
"Alright then," I replied, "Here's your sweatshirt."
"You know what?" He started, "Keep it, I've got plenty more back home." I smiled.
"See you tomorrow, Y/N," Sam smiled.
"Same to you," I replied. We walked out together and called it a night.

Abigail: sooooo how did it go?

Y/N: I've got loads to tell you, where to even begin...

Sam: ❤️💔🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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