Chapter 3- The Stuck-up Model

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Italics- Personal Thoughts

POV- Point of View

(Y/N)- Your Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(H/L)- Hair Length

(H/C)- Hair Color

(E/C)- Eye Color

(E/S)- Eye Shape


(Y/N's POV)

What the hel-

I look up to see the blond kid from the front row holding my wrist. His grip is gentle but also rough at the same time. 

He has a worrisome look on his face.

"What the hells your problem dude?!?!" I say while ripping my wrist away from his grip.

"I'm really sorry, please forgive me. It's just that there was-"

Before he can get another word out, the girl dressed like a banana comes stomping towards us. She grabs the blond kids arm and looks at me with an annoyed face.

"Excuse you! Who are you to talk to my Adrikens like that?! Do you know who we are!!??"

no. and i don't care.

"I am Chloe Bourgeois! Daughter of MAYOR Bourgeois. And Adrien is a celebrity model, son of Gabriel Agreste, you will show us respect!"

I cringe at the word model. Ugh, not another one. Back in New York I had to deal with stuck up models who thought they were all that. They were bratty, annoying and they pissed me off.

And judging that he's friends with her, I bet he's the same like every other model.

"Oh, I am sooooooo sorry. Please do the honor of forgiving me?" I say with a shitload of sarcasm.

I earn a couple laughs from some other kids around the room. Chloe just scoffs and drags Adrien back to their seats.

Miss Bustier comes back into the classroom with a stack of papers in her hands. Still standing up, I ask her if I can use the bathroom. She nods her head and I walk out the door into the hallway.

ain't no way in hell im going back in there. I decide to skip the rest of class and explore the school. If they ask I'll just say I got lost.

Just like that, I heard the bell ring, signaling
that class was over and the next one was about to start. I make my way to science and notice that I don't have many of the other kids from my English class in this class. Science passes by  quickly, i sat with Nino since he was one of the only people who didn't piss me off. I zoned off most of the time since I already knew what we were learning.

During science Nino and I made a handshake, it was his idea. It was short and simple, but still pretty cool. He also invited me to sit with him at lunch.

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