Chapter 5-Defeating The Evillustrator

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Italics- Personal Thoughts

POV- Point of View

(Y/N)- Your Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(H/L)- Hair Length

(H/C)- Hair Color

(E/C)- Eye Color

(E/S)- Eye Shape

(F/C)- Favorite Color

(A/N)- Authors Note

Sorry for not posting lol. I haven't posted in a while bc I'm feeling super busy and stressed right now. But the comments you guys are leaving is motivating me to write more. Thank you so much, it truly makes my day reading your comments. Thanks and enjoy the chapter <3

Chat's POV:

We make it to Marinette's house just in time. I land on her roof, Spider-Girl still in my grip, and peer down. It looks like she's talking to Sabrina, or wait, was talking to Sabrina. The short-haired ginger abruptly takes the folder out of Marinette's hands and stomps off.

I was about to jump down when I feel Spider-Girl slap my hand that's grabbing her waist. Whoops, should have taken that off a while ago teehee~.

"Grab me like that again and I'll have you de-clawed catboy." She says while giving me a mean glare.

"Geez, feisty eh?" I say teasingly.

I jump down in front of Marinette, a good friend of mine. "Whoo-hoo! I thought I was going to have to save you from that girl's claws. Get it? Claws? Hey, I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Chat Noir."

"Uh, yeah... I know! You kinda save the day all the time and stuff...I'm Marinette! So... What are you doing here?" She says while holding out her hand to shake, but she quickly jumps back when she looks behind me. I hear a thump sound come from behind me, I turn around to see Spidey with her arms crossed.

I turn back to look at Marinette, she has a shocked and confused face on her look.

"Who-um what- no who are you?" She says a bit intensely toward Spider-Girl.

"Batman. Now hurry up and help us catch wanna-be Bob Ross." Spidey says while tapping her foot impatiently.

Marinette lets out a small, annoyed huff. She was about to respond but stops herself and turns back to me. She puts on a smile and says, "What about Ladybug? Aren't you a duo?".

"She's busy with something tonight, so it's just me and Spidey today."

"Stop calling me that." I hear someone mutter under their breath. I let out a small smirk.

I look at Marinette and say,"Just get that drawing pencil away from him, little lady. I'll take care of the rest." I turn around and nod my head towards Spidey, signalling her to follow me. We jump away and head towards the docks.


(Y/N) (AKA Spider-Girls) POV:

Gross. That mangy cat had his hands all over me.

"*Cough*  Perv *Cough* " I try to say discreetly while jumping over buildings.

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