Chapter 4- Meet Spider-Girl

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Italics- Personal Thoughts

POV- Point of View

(Y/N)- Your Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(H/L)- Hair Length

(H/C)- Hair Color

(E/C)- Eye Color

(E/S)- Eye Shape

(F/C)- Favorite Color

(A/N)- Authors Note


(Y/N)'s POV:

12:30 pm damn.

I'm currently in the locker room packing all my stuff into my backpack. Everyone recommended that I go home for the rest of the day, I fought against it, but ultimately ended up losing. My leg has already healed, but if I tell them that they would get suspicious, so now I have to play hurt for the rest of the day.

So, back to what I'm doing, I'm putting away all my notebooks and pencils into my (f/c) backpack.

I look around the room to see that I'm alone, surrounded by tall, gray lockers. The sun is shining from the window, hitting my (h/c) hair, making it look lighter than it is. I turn to the direction of the window. The sunlight reflecting off of my delicate (e/c) eyes.

Breathe in. Breathe out. I look at the street, watching cars go by and people walk on the sidewalk. It's so. so....peaceful.

A small smile spreads across my face.


I drop my expression and turn around to see who called my name.

I turn around to see a kid with red hair facing me. His right eye is covered by his red, flat hair. He looks at me timidly with his aqua blue eyes, woah they look like crystals. I make eye contact with him and he immediately looks down at the ground.

damn. am I that intimidating?

I tilt my head to the side, gesturing that I don't recognize him or don't know who he is.

"Oh um sorry. Hello, I'm Nathaniel. I-I'm in your English class.". I nod.

"Well, I'm (Y/N). But I guess you already knew that." I laugh awkwardly afterwards.

"So how's your ankle?" shit. I forgot I have to act hurt.

"Oh this ole thing" I point to my ankle, the one that has the bandage around it, "hurts but I'll get over it." He gives me a small smile and looks back down. I notice that he's unhappy.

"Is everything all right Nathaniel?" He doesn't respond he just keeps looking down and grips his sketchbook harder.

hm? something probably happened to him.

"Um, so, what brought you here?" I ask, trying to relieve some of the awkwardness in the air.

"Just came here to clear my head and get away from Chloe and her rude comments ." He's states flatly.

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