Chapter 7- Ugh... I don't want to hang

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Italics- Personal Thoughts

POV- Point of View

(Y/N)- Your Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(H/L)- Hair Length

(H/C)- Hair Color

(E/C)- Eye Color

(E/S)- Eye Shape

(N/N)- Nickname



(Y/N)'s POV:





I throw a pillow at the alarm clock to stop it from beeping. I lay quietly on the cold, silk sheets of my bed. I stare at ceiling, scanning every bit of it for no reason. The canary colored sunlight shines through my curtains. The sunlight lands on parts of my face and hair, making my (E/C) eyes glisten. Still laying on my bed, I slightly part my lips to say something.

"peace and quie-"


son of a bitch. I sit up and rub my eyes. I throw my hands up behind my head and start to stretch. Once done, I hope off my bed and head to my drawer. I pick out my outfit for the day and throw the clothes on a nearby chair. I open the balcony doors and take in the fresh air. I walk back towards my bed and make it. I grab the clothes from a chair and head into the bathroom. I do everything I've got to do; brush my hair, brush my teeth, wash my face, and change. I pick up my pajamas from the floor and throw them into the hamper. I walk out of the bathroom and walk through my room to get to the door that leads into my living room and kitchen.

I check the time on the clock on the stove. 7:47 am. damn, i didn't know it was this early. I make my way towards the fridge and open the fridge door. I look around the cold shelves to see some lettuce, a water bottle and half a sandwich. sad. what's even sadder is that there's no ice cream.

"looks like I have to go grocery shopping."

Time Skip


I walk out of the grocery store with a bag of groceries in my hand. I decided to buy some stuff that would last me through the week. Some pasta, some bread, and a bunch of fruits and veggies. And most importantly, mint chocolate chip ice cream. I can't wait to get home and eat it.

While walking back to my loft, I get a notification from my phone. I dig into my pocket to fish out my phone, but before I grab a hold of it I bump into someone. I accidentally drop my bag.


I immediately bend down and try to pick everything up before the floor contaminates it. I grab almost everything, I look around and spot my ice cream. I reach my hand out to grab it but someone beats me to it. Still kneeling, I look up to be met by two pairs of aqua blue eyes.

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