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Why are you so slow in walking despite having long legs?” Shen Yue yells, dragging him by the arm as they made their way to the overcrowded bar. It was New Year’s Eve and Shen Yue’s favorite indie band is playing at the bar near her old apartment and she wanted to see them live. Plus, her old high school friends wanted to meet Dylan Wang so she practically begged him to accompany her.

They finally made it into the already pack bar and the band is about to perform their second set. She saw her friends and waved at them. They made their way to her friends and ordered a few drinks while enjoying the slow vibe songs while chatting.

Unfortunately, Dylan couldn’t stay long because he still has to make his nightly rounds at the hospital. Yue was disappointed for a while but quickly understood his line of work. Dylan has always been a workaholic and its’ what makes him more of a human, she thinks. She didn’t really mind him always working, because he makes sure to have some alone time with her and that’s enough.

“Stay, I don’t want to ruin the fun.” Dylan whispered to Yue’s ear, feeling guilty for having to leave early. Yue shakes her head.

“It’s fine, I’ll stay at your office then we’ll leave after your rounds.”

“Won’t you get bored?” he asks concern

“I like staying at your office. It’s comfortable to sleep on the couch.”

“Okay.” He reluctantly agreed after she smiled at him adorably.

They both said goodbyes to her old friends and exited the bar. They walked through the cold streets of Shanghai as they dodged drunk pedestrians while holding each other’s’ hands. The loud sound of a party song can be heard as they passed by a house party.


It’s nearly midnight and a strong wind blew against their faces making Dylan wrapped an arm around Shen Yue as they made their way back at the hospital. It’s a calm feeling, walking at night with the streets filled with snow yet, people are out partying and having the time of their life as they wait for a new year.

Yet, here he was holding the love of his life, making him warm despite the snow.

“Hey, it’s midnight now.” Yue said, disrupting Dylan’s thoughts. She tilts her phone up at Dylan, showing him the time, and he pretends to think for a moment before he grabs her by the forearms, hauling her forward so that Yue stumbles chest-first against him with a soft yelp.

He then kisses her. He kisses her with every fiber of his being. He kisses her with so much passion that Yue couldn’t help but smile at the kiss.

“mhm, you taste sweet.” Dylan says after pulling back.

Shen Yue laugh and from the distance, she can people laughing, cheering, and some even kissing, celebrating the New Year as fireworks were erupted from the sky.

“Happy New Year,” Yue says, and glances down at the hands resting on her waist. She looks up to see the wide smile on Dylan’s face and feels herself start to flush under his gaze.

“Yes, indeed it is.”

They then continue to walk towards the hospital without such care in the world, both of them contented and Welcoming the New Year with open arms

Okay so I feel like I owe each of you an explanation as to why this would be the last chapter: I honestly don't want to drag this story because it might get ruin. I was planning to make Darren be Yue's second love interest and have make Dylan suffer some more but honestly, I had major writers block and it would ruin the relationship between Dylan and Yue.

So yeah, I just want to thank everyone who stuck by this story from beginning to end and to those who kept messaging me to continue writing. I hope you all enjoyed this story and I wish 2021 would be kind and amazing to each and everyone of you.

Again, thank you so much for reading. I appreciate everyone of you. ❤ cheers to 2021!

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