Chapter 3: Beers and Bacon

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Dylan takes a sip of his scotch and set it down on the wooden table. He was seated next to Darren and Caesar who was talking rather fondly over this one medical intern who seemed to do very well on the first shift. They've chosen a booth that was far from the dance floor so they can have privacy.

There were about seven of them and from the looks of it, they all seemed to be glad to get away from the hospital and just unwind for a bit. Dylan's eyes averted from Sun Qian who was holding a blue margarita in her right hand.

"Hey, Doctor Wang." He turn his head towards Doctor Connor Leong, head of dermatology. Dylan never talked to him before, and only acknowledges him during conference and in the cafeteria.

He tried to befriend Connor a few years ago, but the latter never made any interest in being friends with him so he had given up the opportunity and decided to just be civil.

"So how was your day?" Dylan stiffen at his question but relax slightly when he took another sip from his Scotch.

"The usual, Doctor." He replied casually, hoping that Doctor Leong would just shrug and chat to another doctor.

"I heard one of your interns messed up today." Connor said while sipping slightly at his beer

Dylan was a ticking time bomb and truth be told, he was ready to leave the shitty bar.

"Haven't we all messed up when we were interns?" Caesar, answered for him and he shot his friend a thankful glance.

"Oh I remember this one time where I misplaced all of the folders and paper works for Doctor Silvestre. He went ballistic." Darren chuckled fondly while the other doctors laugh. One by one. All of the doctors shared their awful experience when they used to be interns; everyone except for Dylan because he never made a mistake nor messed up when he was beginning to be a doctor.

"Seems like perfection is a suitable name for you, Doctor Wang." Doctor Sun Qian said with a hint of interest in her eyes but Dylan just waved her off.

He stood up but not before throwing a few bills on the table and politely said goodbye to the other doctors.

"You're leaving?" Sun Qian pouted at him and he nodded. It's really been a rough day for him and all he wants is just to go home and sleep. He was about to exit the bar when he saw a familiar short haired girl seated into one of the bar stools, with a few beer bottles surrounding her.

Shen Yue was now on her second beer when she suddenly felt tipsy. She groaned loudly causing Li Jiaqi to chuckle.

"I didn't know you have a low tolerance for alcohol. Anyway, what was his name again? Dylan?" Shen Yue put her fingers on Li Jiaqi's lips, shushing her.

All throughout the night, Shen Yue opened up about having a small crush on the doctor near their café and Li Jiaqi listened attentively. She huffed in annoyance when she was talking about Sun Qian. Li Jiaqi comforted her saying that she is also pretty but the thing about Yue is that she doesn't really believe and have enough confidence to think that guys like Doctor Dylan Wang, could fall for someone like her.

He's way out of my league

"Don't be so louuuuud" Shen Yue was now slurring her words and Li Jiaqi looked at her amusingly.

"Anyway, let's go home. Where do you live?"

"At a shitty apartment"

Li Jiaqi laughed at the already drunken sight of Shen Yue.

"Yeah, what's the address?"

Before Shen Yue could reply, she heard an all too familiar voice yelling her name through the very loud music. It was the last thing she heard before sleep took a toll on her body.

Li Jiaqi turned around to see handsome man with his hands tucked inside of his pocket.

"Hi, do you know where she lives?" Li Jiaqi pointed out to the already passed out Shen Yue.

Dylan looked at the peculiar girl who was now dozing off into deep sleep. He shook his head.

"Well are you friends?" Li Jiaqi wasn't about to give Shen Yue to some random stranger that happens to know Yue's name. Girls need to look out for each other, that's always been her motto in life.

Dylan Wang scratched his head. He doesn't really know if they are friends but she did offer him her mom's cooking and comforted him, right? Maybe they are?

"We just met a few days ago. See, I worked at the hospital near---"
Dylan didn't finished his sentence for Li Jiaqi had suddenly said his name.

Weird, how does she know my name?

"Please do me a favour. I have roommates so I can't take her back at my place and I don't really know where she lives..."

Dylan doesn't know if this girl who has long hair and is looking at him with hopeful eyes is implying that he takes care of Shen Yue. He doesn't really mind, though. But, what would Shen Yue thinks when she wakes up tomorrow with her inside of his penthouse?

"Please? I also work at Charms Café and I'll give you a free bagel for a week!"

"Make it two weeks" Dylan challenged the girl and she agreed.

"Thank you!" Dylan watched as the girl exited the bar. He took a sit next to Shen Yue and stared at her amusingly.

Silly girl, doesn't she know how many guys would try to take advantage of her state?

As Li Jiaqi exited the bar, she couldn't help but felt like a matchmaker. She hopes that her plan would work and by tomorrow, Shen Yue would be pleased with her decision.


Shen Yue doesn't get drunk often. Which is why when she woke up the next morning, in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room, the first thing she does is check if she still has clothing on.

She doesn't seem to be naked, much to her relief, though someone had taken the time to peel off her shoes and place them neatly at the foot of the bed. She carefully takes a look at her surroundings, the beige and white drapery of the curtains matched well with the minimalist interior of the room.

On the bedside table are her small bag, a glass of water, and some advil. He takes one advil and chugs down some water before putting her shoes on and walking towards the hall.

It's only when Shen Yue reached the living room that she realize where she is. She saw Doctor Wang curled up on the sofa. His face scrunched up like he's in the midst of a restless sleep. He's wearing a white shirt and from where Shen Yue is standing, the doctor looks younger and more attractive when he's asleep.

Shen Yue felt thankful for the doctor and mentally reminding herself to text Li Jiaqi as to why she woke up at Doctor Wang's place. She looked at the clock that is hanged around next to the giant TV and realize that it was only six am.
Yue curls up in the adjacent sofa and falls in and out of sleep listening to Dylan's soft snores.

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