Chapter 12: A doctor's way of getting the girl

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It turns out that Dylan Wang really is a prideful man and that seems like the only flaw he has. Still, Caesar is very much concerned for his friends’ well-being so he opt to play cupid.

So here he was, standing outside of Charms’ café with Shen Yue.

“Why did he changed his schedule?” Shen Yue asked Caesar who has been talking to her for the past 10 minutes. He tried to make Shen Yue understand Dylan’s situation and how he really isn’t that great at communicating especially when it comes to his feelings.

“He misses you.”

Shen Yue weakly smiled at him.

“I miss him, too.”

“You know where to go.” Caesar said to her and Yue nodded.

Caesar then hailed a taxi and Yue got in.

“Jiayou, Shen Yue.”

After a 20 minute drive, she arrived at Dylan’s penthouse. She took a deep breath and knocked softly on the wooden door.

“It’s you.” Dylan says as he blinks twice making sure that it really is Shen Yue standing in front of him.

Dylan smells like cigarettes and shampoo, with his hair still damp from showering. Shen Yue doesn’t mind anymore because she misses him so much. She had to hold back and gather enough strength and her pride so she won’t jump into his arms and ask for forgiveness.

“Hi, may I come in?”
Dylan hesitated and for a minute, Yue thinks that he already moved on with someone prettier and not as insecure as her but Dylan suddenly smiled at her and stepped out of the way to let her inside.

Shen Yue shuts the door behind her and followed Dylan to his living room. She could see a few beer bottles on the coffee table and a stack of cigarette packs. 

“Looks like you didn’t quit” Shen Yue tried to joke to lighten up the mood but Dylan just shrugged offering her a beer which she politely declined.

“Old habits die hard” He replied and took a sit on his sofa. Dylan patted the spot next to him, and Yue obeyed.

“Your friend told me that you weren’t at work today and you changed your schedule.”

Dylan took a big gulp of his beer bottle before answering.

“My old schedule was making me miserable.”

Oh. Okay.

An uncomfortable silence looms over the atmosphere as Shen Yue tried hard not to judge how many packs of cigarettes and beer bottles Dylan had consumed for today.

She started bobbing her left leg up and down, a habit of being anxious and Dylan looks at her and raise an eyebrow.

“Stop fidgeting”

“I came here to apologize.”

They both said at the same time and somehow breaking the awkward atmosphere. Dylan was the first to laugh, followed by Shen Yue.

“Come here.” Dylan patted on his lap and Yue looks at him in bewilderment while turning slightly pink from Dylan’s order.

Yue shyly placed herself onto his lap, and curls an arm around Dylan’s shoulders, bringing his legs up to drape across Dylan’s knees. Dylan doesn’t say anything at first, he just looked at her fondly. He then released a pleased hum when he starts kissing Yue on the lips, slow at first, and then more boldly with tongue.

It leaves Shen Yue breathless, his kisses has always been intoxicating to her. Shen Yue doesn’t smoke but Dylan is her nicotine. It’s like she needs him and his kisses to breathe. She pulls away momentarily to stare at Dylan’s eyes, both of them trying to catch their breath. She could see that his eyes were dark with need and some other type of emotion she couldn’t really figure out.

“Apologize” Dylan’s voice is raspy, and she could tell that he was very turned on at their make out session and… did he really just demand that she should apologize?

Shen Yue had to bite a remark that should insult him, but she doesn’t want to fight anymore. Plus, she thinks it’s her fault why they had a fight.

“I’m sorry” she meekly said and Dylan kissed her again, with more force this time. Shen Yue moaned as Dylan gripped her waist tighter, bringing her closer to him.

He pulled away, looked at Yue’s swollen lips and smiled.

“I missed you, stupid.”
Yue playfully rolled her eyes at him. Dylan cupped her cheek with his left hand and looked at her straight in the eyes.

“I’m sorry, too. I knew I should’ve explained but you need to trust me that I’m not seeing anyone other than you. Yes, I might’ve screw around before but when you somehow entered my shitty life, you are all I think about, Yue. I’m not good with words, but I promise you, I’m all yours.”

Shen Yue could feel a familiar feeling forming in the pit of her stomach that makes her want Dylan so badly it hurts. She’s scared to admit it, but she’s falling for him.

She loves him and the way Dylan is looking at her right now, makes her believe that he loves him, too. But Yue doesn’t want to ruin this moment. She doesn’t want to confess her feelings, yet. They both just reconciled and it seems to be enough, for now.

Shen Yue tried to hug Dylan but she accidentally twist her hips in the wrong direction, and bumped her butt into Dylan’s already hard member. Shen Yue’s eyes widen in embarrassment but soon turned red at the sight of Dylan throwing his head back, with his lips parted slightly, trying his best not to moan at the contact.

“I’m sorry!” Shen Yue squealed and quickly got off from his lap. She sat a few distance away from Dylan, who reached for a throw pillow and covered his hard member with it, making Yue blushed and bite her lip.

“I-it’s fine.” Dylan reassured her, who shifted uncomfortably in his seat. His voice still raspy after a few seconds of awkward silence. It wasn’t awkward for Dylan, though. If he had it his way, they would still be making out right now, but Yue looks like she could die from sheer embarrassment so he tried his best to not think of his feelings and comfort Yue.

“You want to watch a movie or something?” Dylan asked Shen Yue who nodded.

“Can we cuddle?” It was a bold move for Shen Yue because she never asks for affection, not even once. It was always Dylan who demands hugs and kisses from her. But after not seeing him for almost two weeks killed her, it hurt her both emotionally and physically.
Dylan happily welcomed Yue to his arms, and kissed her forehead. He seemed to hold her a little tighter than usual, an indication that he, too missed her comfort and presence.

They both laid on the sofa until they fell asleep.


“What?” Doctor Sun Qian asked in disbelief from Dylan on a Tuesday afternoon. Both of them were in the break room. Dylan happily ate one of the donuts that had been given to them by one doctor from internal medicine before sighing loudly towards Sun Qian who looked at him with an emotion he really couldn’t understand.

“I’m serious about her, Qian so no, I can’t go on a date with you.”
Sun Qian boldly asked Dylan on a date tonight. She hoped he would agree because in the past, she knows Dylan would go on different dates with different girls at the same time, but now, she was shocked that he’s serious about Yue.

“Look, I need to be straightforward with you because we both worked at the same hospital and well, we really need to get along considering that we have many mutual friends.”

They both sat across each other, a coffee table separating them and Sun Qian flicked her hair, waiting in anticipation.

“You’re beautiful, smart, and very professional. If things would’ve been different, then yes I might take you on your offer but all I think about is Shen Yue. I’m really serious, about her Qian. She’s amazing. I understand if you’re upset right now but I couldn’t control my emotions. I want our relationship to be official. .” Dylan smiled at the mere mention of Yue and Sun Qian can see it.

So just like the selfless girl that she is, she took a deep breath and smiled at Dylan Wang who is looking at her, with an unreadable expression.

“Tell me about this girl that you love.” Sun Qian said out of the blue while still smiling at Dylan who was caught off guard for a few seconds but breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well, her name is Shen Yue and she works at the coffee shop besides the hospital.”

Dylan spent his afternoon break talking about Shen Yue while Sun Qian listening attentively. Though, even if her heart is breaking, she couldn’t contain her happiness seeing Dylan being in love.


Shen Yue entered Dylan’s apartment, carrying one luggage and backpack. Dylan asked her to officially move in with him and she of course, agreed.
“Dylan? I’m back!” She closed the door behind her and went down the hall to the living room to see if Dylan was there.

“Didi?” she called his nickname yet still, no reply.

“Hold on, I’m melting something.” Dylan yelled from the kitchen. His voice seemed rushed and Yue settled her luggage and backpack towards the end of the hall.


“Okay, hi.” Dylan emerge from the kitchen holding a tray of s’mores and graham crackers while pecking her lips.

“Ohhh I love s’mores!” Yue explained and she was about to take one but Dylan held it highly above his head. Yue tried to jump up, with her hand trying to grab the tray.

“No, we’ll eat later, come to the living room.” Yue pouted at him but obeyed.
They both walked towards the hall to the living room, with Dylan leading the way.

He seems excited

When they both arrived, Yue blinked twice, before looking at Dylan who seems pleased with her reaction.
“Oh my God” Yue placed a hand over her mouth as tears formed from her eyes.

“I built you a fort because I knew you always wanted one.” Dylan sheepishly said, he placed the tray of s’mores inside the make shift tent and crawled inside.

Yue told him over dinner once that she always wanted to build a fort with her parents but they were always so busy with work and never had the time to make one with her when she was a child. She never thought that Dylan would pay attention to what she said let alone build one.

“So are you going to stand there for the whole night or thank me for being amazing?” Dylan smugly said and Yue playfully rolled her eyes and crawled next to him.

Inside the fort was a tray of s’mores, popcorn, a bottle of the finest white wine, and a laptop.

“This is perfect. Thank you!” Yue was beaming at Dylan who turned red when Yue suddenly kissed him on the cheek.

“I mean, it’s not perfect. I could’ve added more lights and pillows” Dylan scratched the back of his head while looking inside of the fort. He actually had the help of Caesar who gave him instructions in building one for he has never build a fort in his entire life.
He wouldn’t tell Yue he asked for help, though. He likes that she kept praising him for his effort.

“Would you like to watch a movie?” he offered and Yue nodded her head, her mouth full with s’mores making her cheeks puff out.

Dylan watched her in amusement and admire how she still looks cute despite her mouth full of s’mores.

They watched two movies: One rom com and a horror one, much to Dylan’s delight for Yue kept hugging him whenever a jump scare would show up.

“Dylan?” Yue asked, she rubbed her eyes and looked up at him. Her head resting comfortably on his shoulder as he wraps an arm around her waist.
“Yes, babe?” Her breath hitched and an all too familiar feeling swells up in her chest and stomach.



I love you she wanted to confess, to scream I love you to him, but she was somehow lost when Dylan stared at her, a smile forming in his perfect lips. Instead, she asked a stupid question.
“Did you really made out with an intern last year” Dylan scoff at her ridiculous question

“Alright might as well be honest with you, no I did not made out with an intern.” Shen Yue smiled at him but then Dylan smirked at her, his eyes with a glint of humor.

“But, I did hooked up with her after she was transferred to another hospital, ouch!” Yue smacked his head lightly. Dylan winced and rubbed the top of his head, while pouting.

“What? You asked for it.” Dylan mumbled but hold his hands up in surrender when Yue threatened to hit him again.

“Enough about my steamy past, I actually wanted to ask you something.” Dylan asked and sat upright. He looked deep into Yue’s eyes, who was waiting in anticipation.

“Let’s date officially.” Yue seemed to be at lost for words, as she stared back at Dylan, looking for any signs of playfulness but found none.

He’s serious about us.

“You want me to be your girlfriend?” Shen Yue asked and Dylan nodded at her, grinning from ear to ear.

“Yes!” She hugged him which resulted to Dylan stumbling backwards and falling onto the soft comforter and blankets.

Yue lied on top of him and Dylan wrapped both of his arms. The atmosphere is almost perfect.


Until Dylan’s phone rang which resulted to him complaining and quickly putting it into silent mode.
“Are you going back to the hospital?” Yue asks, fighting off a yawn.

It’s rather fitting now, Yue thinks. After eating all of the s’mores and glass of white wine, while the rain is falling softly outside and the heat from Dylan’s body making her feel all warm and contented. She’s struggling very hard not to close her eyes and sleep.

“In a bit, I have surgery at exactly midnight and I need to take a look at three new patients after surgery.”
Shen Yue tightens her grip in Dylan’s shirt. “Don’t go yet. Don’t go until you absolutely have to.”

“I won’t,” Dylan promises. They still have two hours left before Dylan needs to leave. Plenty of time left.

Shen Yue yawned pretty loudly causing Dylan to laugh. He swipes a hand through her smooth hair.

“Sleep, babe. I promise to come back before breakfast so we can eat together.”

“Goodnight.” Yue mumbles making Dylan smile.

She falls asleep on top of Dylan, with her head resting snugly onto his chest, she can hear his heart beating, making her more at ease.

The last thing she hears is Dylan’s soft voice.

“I love you.”

Hello, I was supposed to make Dylan suffer some more but I decided not to hehe. Anyway, I probably won't update for a week or two because I'm becoming busy with college and I need to study for finals but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading ❤

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