Chapter 10: Exile

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Shen Yue had been to Dylan’s hospital office twice. Once when she gave him a full cooked meal for lunch because he has a lot of paperworks he needed to finish The other time, Dylan begged Yue to visit him during his nightly schedule routine and when she got inside of his office, Dylan had sat her down on the edge of that desk and kissed her while he was standing up, Yue’s hands clutching the doctor’s white coat and tie, Dylan’s broad hands framing her face. Their make out session didn’t last long, though. He still had to do his rounds and Yue patiently waited for him at his office, sitting comfortably at his leather chair while playing games on her phone.

Shen Yue had the perfect alibi of wanting to visit Dylan in his hospital office. Well, not really a perfect one but, since he became a regular customer at charms café, their shop has a discount card for their valuable customers. So she thinks it’s the perfect way of seeing Dylan again and asking for forgiveness.

She has it memorized in her head. The discount cards inside her small backpack, followed by asking how Dylan has been over the past few days, then her perfect apology. Yue stopped at the sight of Dylan’s office and tried to catch her breath from sprinting from the hospital as soon as Li Jiaqi pushed her to talk to Dylan.

She was about to knock on the white door when it suddenly opened, revealing Dylan wearing his white coat.

They both looked at each other. Yue being hopeful that he would accept her apology and Dylan, looking surprised to see Shen Yue standing outside of his office.

“Hi, Dylan.” Yue’s voice was shaky, she’s nervous being in front of Dylan again for fear of rejection. Meanwhile, Dylan’s composure was calm and while even though he looks tired and worn out from too much caffeine and patients he attended to, he still manage to look presentable and clean.

“Do you want to say something?” Dylan asked Yue.

“I- Charms Café has-“

“Doctor Wang, I finally got it right!”

Yue took a step back and peeked inside Dylan’s office to see a girl with her long black hair up into a neat bun while wearing scrubs. The girl seems comfortable seating inside Dylan’s office as she has a big book placed onto her lap, while her right hand is holding a pencil. She looks about the same age as her, and no doubt looks pretty.

Dylan looked back at girl and grinned.
“Smart girl.” The girl interned blushed at the compliment and focused back on the book that she was holding.

Dylan looked back at Yue, giving her an unreadable look.

“What are you saying?”

Yue bit her lip as the she felt embarrass and a little bit pathetic of trying to chase over a guy who clearly has gotten over her. Nevertheless, she faked a smile and reached inside her bag and handed him two discount cards. Dylan reluctantly took it from her shaky hands.

“It’s for a discount at the coffee shop. My manager wanted me to give you that.” Yue pointed at the card and Dylan nodded his head.



Yue tries not to die on the spot from humiliation and from getting a broken heart.

“I- some of my stuff are still at your penthouse-“

“I’ll have someone send it over to your apartment tomorrow.” Dylan’s reply was short and by the looks of it, he’s ready for this conversation to be over.
Yue blinked back the tears and thanked him. This feels like the end of whatever they had.

“I’m really busy…” Dylan trailed off and Yue took it as a signal for her to leave.
“Goodbye, Doctor Wang.” Shen Yue said before walking faster towards one of the hospital’s bathroom and crying.


By Shen Yue’s estimate, it’s been two weeks, of radio silence. Dylan is the worst, but then Yue should have expected this early on. She tells herself that she doesn’t care and goes on about her day, going to work, doing overtime, hanging out with friends on a Friday night, and not once reading old messages Dylan’s sent her before on her phone.

It was fun while it lasted and it was great. And this — this is the aftermath. Yue tried to move on and avoid walking past the hospital building. She needed to move on because Dylan Wang’s not in her life anymore and she needs to learn how to be okay with that.

Meanwhile, Dylan Wang has been keeping himself busy during the past two weeks of not contacting Shen Yue. He has been revising paperworks for his interns, helping other doctors with their surgeries, doing more rounds than his schedule would require, and sometimes staying overnight at the hospital.

He kept it all to himself. Caesar would sometimes check up on him, asking if he’s alright and wanted to drink after their shift. Dylan would always decline his offer. Caesar knew that his friend is a workaholic, but Dylan has never been one to decline a good beer and a few cigarettes after a few stressful days at the hospital.

He tried again when he visited Dylan’s penthouse but the latter said no.
“Doctor Wang?” an all too familiar voice yelled outside of his office and Dylan rubbed his tired eyes. He checked his watch and saw that it was already midnight. He should’ve been home by now but he couldn’t find the heart to leave.

“Come in.” Dylan yelled and Sun Qian entered his office carrying a coffee cup and brown bag.

Dylan stood up from his leather chair walked towards Sun Qian

“I bought food.” She offered him. Dylan grabbed the brown bag and he is immediately hit by the strong aroma of freshly baked bagels. He took one bite of the bagel and moaned in satisfactory.

“Amazing.” He breathed and Sun Qian rolled her eyes.

“It’s just bagel stop being dramatic.” She sarcastically said before taking a seat at the leather sofa that’s place at the side of Dylan’s office.

“I didn’t eat dinner yet.” Dylan mumbled before stuffing his face again. He took a sit next to Sun Qian who watch him eat until he finished eating. He took a sip of coffee and mouthed in appreciation at her.

“Doctor, you need to rest.” Sun Qian said, while staring at him.
Dylan was about to decline when he yawned very loudly causing Sun Qian to chuckle.

“Sorry.” He shyly said before rubbing his tired eyes again.

“You know, my house is just a five minute walk from here. You can rest there if you’d like. Even just for a few minutes.” She said in that damn voice of hers that makes all of the doctors and interns, attracted to her.

Dylan knows that there would be no rest happening if he accepts the offer. He would just wake up tomorrow morning naked, with his clothes scattered around her bed as she smiles triumphantly at him. Still, the offer is quite tempting

It’s really hard to say no towards Doctor Qian. Ever since she was a child, her parents always had a hard time saying no to her because she always has that charm and aura of getting what she wants. No one seems immune by her charm

Dylan was tempted, he is very much tempted to accept Doctor Qian’s offer. Here she is, looking at him adorably and his mind is a mess from overloaded work.

Sun Qian suddenly placed her hand onto his knee and gave him that damn look that makes it impossible to say no to. Dylan smirked at the contact.

He was about to accept it, he really was because no shit, Sun Qian is drop dead gorgeous and he can’t remember when’s the last time he’s been intimate with another person. But then, as his gaze drop to Sun Qian’s lips that has been covered with red lipstick. His brain suddenly remembers an all too familiar pair of lips, followed by an all too familiar image of Shen Yue and how he used to kiss those lips of her.

Gosh, he misses her

He doesn’t even know why Yue was so mad at him. The truth is, he really was in Sun Qian’s birthday party because she had 2 surgeries during night time and decided to just celebrate her birthday on morning rather than night time. Still, he was hurt from the accusation so being the prideful man he is, he didn’t bother explaining the situation.

He suddenly moved away from Qian making her frown.

“I-I need to finish something.” Dylan muttered

“I can help you with the paperworks?” Dylan declined her offer to help and soon enough, he was rushing her to leave his office.

“But I thought-“

“No.” his reply was short and formal, but it’s enough for Sun Qian to nod her head and leave his office, slamming his door a little too harshly at the process.
Dylan sat back down at his chair and threw his head back in annoyance.
He needs Shen Yue, but he couldn’t find the heart to dial her number and ask her back.

I hope all of you are safe and happy. Thanks so much for reading and let me know your thoughts on this chapter!! See you on my next one! Xxx

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