Chapter 7: Fine dining that leads to kissing

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Dylan Wang managed to remove his white coat and placed onto his office chair. He took a big gulp of his coffee and angrily groaned.

Stupid interns

The interns that were assigned to him for the past two weeks were nothing but full of cocky confidence and incompetence. They would appear to know everything yet when they were doing rounds and Dylan began to do some rapid fire questions in front of a 70 year old patient, the two interns suddenly froze and forgot to say a single word. Hell, even the patient felt bad for the interns because of how Dylan was looking at them furiously. No doubt, that they would fail and would re do all of their rotations hopefully, with a doctor who has patience and time for struggling interns who thinks that they are smart enough to enter the world of medicine.

Dylan angrily threw the plastic cup on the trash bin and grabbed his wallet and phone. It’s dinner time and he’s about to exit his office to maybe ask Shen Yue out to dinner when he hears a knock on the wooden door.

“Yeah come in” he angrily shouts

Doctor Darren Chen opened the door and asked him if he wanted to grab a bite on that new Italian restaurant that just opened up from across the street.

Dylan contemplated whether or not to accept his colleague’s offer, but when he heard that Doctor Sun Qian might join them, he immediately declined.
Darren stood at the door and watched Dylan curiously. He tilted his head and started to think.

“Say, are you going to have dinner with the girl from the coffee shop?” at the mere mention of the girl, Dylan’s mood began to fade and a warm fuzzy feeling evaded his stomach.

“Maybe” he said shyly and Darren took this opportunity to see how much Dylan truly likes the girl.

“She’s quite cute. I gave her a muffin today.”
Dylan’s body suddenly tense as he can’t help but glare at Darren.


“Because I wanted to.” He smiled in amusement when Dylan is practically oozing with jealousy. Dylan rolled his eyes at his friend and quickly exited his office, ignoring Darren’s playful laugh echoing the hallway.

“Don’t you dare flirt with her, Chen.” Dylan managed to say loudly before getting inside the elevator.

Darren stood there, pleased at just what happened.


“I’ll lock up, go home take an early leave.” Shen Yue’s manager said to her and she couldn’t be anymore grateful. It was only 7pm, yet her manager kindly told her to leave early because of how well she has been doing for the past couple of days.

She always arrives on time, keeps on receiving a generous amount of tips, and customers seems pleased to see how fast she works in making their coffee and pastries.

She exited the coffee shop and was about to dial some of her old friends to join her to grab something to eat, when she saw Dylan walking towards her direction. She put her phone inside her small bag and blushed.

She can’t help but still be shy and a bit cautious.

“Where you headed to?” Dylan asked her as he stood, five feet apart from her with his hands tucked inside of his pocket.

“I was about to call some of my friends to dinner. My manager made me go home early.”

“Dinner?” Dylan suddenly asked her and she knows what he meant. Before she could decline, she found herself nodding and both of them headed towards what it looked like to be some kind of Michelin star restaurant.

Shen Yue examined the restaurant’s interior design and she can see a glimpse of a huge chandelier inside. She took a quick look on what she’s wearing. A blue buttoned up blouse and black slacks; her coffee uniform while Dylan is wearing a long white buttoned up shirt and black pants, with his hair perfectly pushed back. That’s alright though, Dylan still looks presentable and expensive while she thinks she looks like a charity case.

“W-wait, I don’t think I’m dress well.” Dylan turn to Shen Yue who was blushing in embarrassment. He took one quick look at her then chuckled which he later regretted seeing how embarrass she was. He took her hand and intertwine it onto his.

He gave her a reassuring smile, no one is going to embarrass her, not on his watch.

He squeezed her hand, comforting her.

“Its fine, you’re with me. I’m a regular here.”

Shen Yue breathed deeply before letting Dylan drag her inside of the restaurant.

“Good evening, Mr Wang!” the hostess hostess enthusiastically greeted Dylan and showed them their table.

She examined the design and place of the restaurant. She was right about a gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling. All of the guests were formally dressed and she looked so out of place.

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