Chapter 1: First Encounter

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Dylan Wang has been working for 30 hours straight, having performed two successful surgery for over 10 hours almost made him lose his mind

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Dylan Wang has been working for 30 hours straight, having performed two successful surgery for over 10 hours almost made him lose his mind. He just wants to throw everything away and go home to sleep.

Being one of the most well-known and best in the medical field sure comes with a price. He thinks if he spends another hour inside the hospital, he sure as hell will start to have a mental breakdown in front of everyone and that wouldn’t be good for his reputation.

He checks his watch and realizes that he still have a few minutes to kill before seeing another patient. His stomach grumbled and he tries to recall when was the last time he had eaten before beginning those two surgeries. He hastily went to his office to grab his wallet before heading out to grab some food.

Shen Yue was late again and her manager, Ben was slowly starting to get annoyed at her for hearing the same story over and over again for why she was late.

She squirmed uncomfortably under Ben's intense gaze while he was lecturing her for the nth time on why she should just take a cab instead of the bus on the way to work.

“I swear on your life, Yue...” Ben started out, his voice thick with seriousness and anger.

“If you’re late again, you’re fired. Got that, kid?”

Shen Yue wanted to say to Ben that she wasn’t 18 anymore, she’s 26years old for goodness sake. But one look at Ben’s irritated face made her look down and she mumbled an apology.

“You’re working on double shifts today, Shen Yue. Get to work.” Yue groaned mentally but quickly put her apron and headed to the counter to take people’s order.

“Hi, welcome to Charms Café, what’s your order?” Shen Yue manages to make her voice into a cheerful one but it’s hard especially since this is her 3rd time being late this week and with her dad losing hope of ever getting his business successful in the future and her mother being concerned of her well-being in Shanghai, made her more grumpy and sad than she intends to be.

“Yeah, that will be 15 yuan. Thanks please wait on your right side for your coffee. Have a good day, Ma’am” the blonde girl smiled warmly at her and tipped her 5 yuan before leaving.

Yue sighed to herself when a man, in his early 30s entered the coffee shop.

Oh. It was that doctor that’s across from their coffee shop.

Doctor Dylan Wang, one of the best neurosurgeons, hastily walk towards her---or the counter and rubbed his tired eyes before looking at the menu. The doctor looks very tired and judging from his passive expression, hasn’t had much sleep. Still, for someone who looks miserable and tired, Doctor Wang still looks attractive and masculine.

Shen Yue knows that she needs to greet the man in front of her before asking his order but she was simply a deer caught in the headlights. She blushes, more out of shame than anything, even though Doctor Wang wasn’t even looking at her and seemed more transfix at the menu.

“I’ll have a large cup of black coffee and a bagel please.” Finally, his tired eyes met Shen Yue’s nervous ones.

Yue nodded and told her co-worker, the order.

“Would you want your bagel to be heated, doctor?” Yue bit her lip and the doctor’s gaze dropped to Yue’s lips before nodding his head

“28 yuan.” She meekly said and she was surprise that Doctor Wang heard her.
“Uh, go to the right side to claim your order. Have a good day, Doctor.” Shen Yue for once, formed a complete sentence (she thinks) and the doctor offered her a kind smile.

“See you around.” Doctor Wang manages to say to her before leaving the coffee shop.

Shen Yue let his gaze follow the doctor until he was out of sight.


Dylan silently cheered to himself when he realize that it was his day off tomorrow. He can’t wait to sleep and watch reruns of some reality TV show and munch on buttered popcorn the whole day.

“Good night, Dr Wang.” An intern said to him before he stepped out of the elevator and headed straight to the parking lot.

He politely nodded at him and turn around to walk and stop straight in front of his black Bugatti.

It was perfect for him, Dylan thinks. He likes the way his fellow doctors seemed to be in awe when he first bought it and how the interns admired on how rich he truly is.

He quickly got in and tossed his black bag into the passenger side before shutting the door.

Dylan decided to make a quick stop from the grocery to pick up some food and supplies. There’s this grocery shop that’s near to his penthouse, just a few blocks away and he is pretty sure that half of the things inside his fridge is already passed the expiry date. Besides, he hasn’t remember when was the last time he ate a home cooked meal instead of ordering take out in various restaurants.

He took a shopping cart and went straight for the wine aisle. Dylan was contemplating if he would buy two Jack Daniels when he saw a familiar face.
It was that girl from the coffee shop. She was dress in a black shirt and grey sweatpants. Dylan’s eyes saw a hint of cheddar cheese and a loaf of bread in the girls’ shopping cart when he met her gaze.

Dylan doesn’t know if he should smile or wave so he offered a polite nod.
The girl cautiously walk towards him and looks like she is contemplating whether to acknowledge or start a friendly small talk.

“Hi Doctor.” Dylan tried so hard not to huff but judging from the blush that was spreading from the girls’ cheeks, and a hint of embarrassment from the girls’ brown eyes, he realize that he in fact, did huff.

“Call me Dylan.”

The girl nodded and averted her eyes towards the red wine that was in front of her.

“And you are?” Dylan questioned while rubbing his eyes. Gosh, he really needed to sleep.

“Oh sorry. Shen Yue, sir.” Sir, huh he likes that a lot.

“Nice to meet you, Shen Yue.” Yue for the first time, gave him a real smile.
He then finds that he likes the way Yue’s eyes wrinkled when she smiled and a warm feeling began to form in the pit of his stomach.

“So, busy day?” Shen Yue manage to start a conversation when he pointed towards two Jack Daniels inside Dylan’s shopping cart and he just shrug.

“I haven’t had a decent amount of sleep these past few weeks.” Dylan confessed and wants nothing more than to lie down on his comfortable bed and get at least 8 hours of sleep.

“Well, at least they pay you enough?” it sounded more of a question rather than a statement and that made Dylan chuckle.

“Yeah, the only good thing from being a doctor.” And also being respected and envied by everyone but he didn’t tell Shen Yue that.

They both walk side by side towards the checkout counter.

“Also the fact you save lives, Doctor Wang.” Yue said casually while she picked up a cosmopolitan magazine.

“Yes that is probably the most rewarding part of being a doctor is to save someone’s life.” And the attention, Dylan thought.

“But if you spent years of performing countless of surgeries and practically lives inside the hospital, you might find yourself being completely…” isolated, Dylan thinks.

Shen Yue drop the magazine back on the stand, her attention is now focus on Dylan and on what he was about to say but before Dylan can finish the sentence, it was her turn at the till.

She hastily said goodbye to Dylan and quickly left, her mind was filled with food and a certain doctor whose gaze followed her until she exited the grocery store.

Shen Yue was now on the bus, and seated next to her were two grocery bags that was full of microwave heated dinners, cheddar cheese, a loaf of bread, and a few alcoholic drinks.
She got off from her stop carrying her two grocery bags while walking her way back to her shitty apartment.

It wasn’t that bad, except for a few things: The hot water would sometimes ran out, she needs to double tap the light switch inside the kitchen, and her single bed wasn’t really that comfortable anymore because she doesn’t have any time changing her sheets.

Shen Yue used to have two jobs: one was working as a barista and a cashier in the coffee shop and the other one was working at a fast food restaurant. But, she couldn’t bare working for two jobs since sleep is practically her middle name so she quit working at the fast food joint and work full time at the coffee shop beside the Hospital.

Shen Yue hated hospitals ever since she had food poisoning when she was seven years old, then again a few years later when her mother was rushed into the hospital because of heart problems. She was fortunate enough to not get too sick so that she wouldn’t have to go to any hospitals. As her mind began to get occupied with hospital related stuff, she suddenly remembered Doctor Wang and their little run in inside the grocery shop. 

She placed the grocery bags on top of the kitchen counter and made her way inside his bedroom.

Now, Shen Yue doesn’t get too awkward even though she already is but if she does, it’s usually because of a small crush. Yue shook away those thoughts and took off her shoes before lying down on her bed. She groaned when it made a squeaky noise, implying that it was old and worn out.

She closed her eyes and tried not to think of Doctor Wang.

She didn’t think of him for the rest of the night.

AN: I made Dylan a few years older than Shen Yue to perfectly match the theme of this fanfic. I also based this on one of my fanfics I wrote on AO3 a few years ago lol.Thanks so much for reading!! Xxx

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