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The sun had began to set when Arham pulled the car in front of a designers studio.

"What are we doing here ." Meher asked looking at Arham.

"I don't have anything to wear for the ball and you could pick up your outfit as well." He said getting down from the car. Meher too opened her door and got down.

"You do realise that you have an own designing line right ? One of us would have made you your -."

"No time for that, now let's go." He said taking her hand in his unconsciously and pulled her inside along with him.

"Good morning Mr. Butt and Ma'am, how may I help you." The attendant said. His eyes travelled to see Arham's hand entwined with Meher's and his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

Arham was a regular customer and always brought along his wife Hooriya Butt, so who was the lady Arham had walked in hand in hand with after years of bringing only his wife to shop with him.

"We are looking in for tuxedos for myself and a dress for her." Arham said causally unaware of the spinning wheels in the attendant's mind.

"I don't need a dress Arham, I've got one already."

"You do ? When did you go get one ?"

"Uh we made one, my friends and I we-."

"Oh! Okay." Arham replied amused by her answer. "So just a tux for me." He said.

"Alright sir. Please follow me." The attendant said and made a beeline towards the premium collection.
"These are your size sir, all of them." He said pointing towards a row of expensive looking tuxedos.

"Alright thank you for." Arham said and turned towards Meher.
"Go choose." He said

"Me?" Meher replied, caught unguarded.

"Yes ? Aren't you supposed to be the better one at this between the two of us." He said cocking his eyebrow.

"Of course." Meher mentally kicked herself and went towards the rows of hung tuxedos.

She browsed a dozen, touching their fabric and inspecting them closely.
Picking out a few she showed them to Arham who tried them on and gained a thumbs up or down from Meher.

Two hours of picking the perfect tux, shirt, pant and shoes later they were finally out of the store with a couple of bags in hand.

Arham put the bags in the back seat and got into her car, Meher had already strapped herself to the seat.

"It's eight and I'm starving let's eat out." He said and Meher agreed. The last meal she had had was six hours ago and she was pretty damn hungry.

Meher and Arham were outside a pretty fancy restaurant, Meher couldn't wait for food to be inside her belly.

The two got a seat by the large window overlooking the busy market street.
After browsing through the menu they decided on what they wanted to have.

"Are you ready with your orders ?" The waiter asked them politely and Meher nodded and smiled at him.
"I'll have chicken steak with sautéed vegetables at the side and a cranberry juice please." She said.

"I'll have a sous chicken with plum sauce and water."

"Okay, will be back with your food."
The waiter took his leave.

"You love sous chicken and plum sauce don't you ?" Meher asked as it had been the dish he had ordered on both outings.

"Very much." Arham replied with a smile, he was surprised that she took notes of his liked and dislikes.

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