Not an update !

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Hi everyone
I guess you were expecting an update and really sorry that you won't be getting one today.

Writing is something I like and do not get paid for, I am a medical student and idk if people really understand the seriousness of it, our lives are living hell and despite that I've been pretty much punctual with updates so the ones leaving comments like
Inconsistent updates
Slow author
Unpunctual writer
And reminding me very rudely so that I had to update should stop.

While I appreciate that you want to read my book, I am a human, I have a life apart from this too, and I've always ALWAYS been punctual with updates and very serious with my stories.

I had to update yesterday but certain comments for some of the readers were really off putting and upsetting. I've realised that Internet, Wattpad included can be a very mean place.

I have met a lot of wonderful people via Wattpad and made if I may be so bold and say friends as well but this mean behaviour has been a first.

While I've received a thousand folds love more than hate here, the negativity gets to you more.

I do accept criticism and take it in a good way dear readers but please I request you be kind and a bit careful with your words and PLEASE stop spreading false narratives about my books and making statements about how it will end with disappointment.

I write for myself and while I've been offered to publish my work on the competing paid apps I want to let my books be a part of Wattpad is so that people like I, like you can read it for free so please be kind that's all I ask.

I'll try updating soon
It's not going to be today as I have to be in a proper frame of mind to write.
And thank you to all those who have been nothing but supportive and loving.

Sorry if someone feels hurt or targeted but I had to let you know since your couldn't understand in one on one conversation.

Meher •completed•Where stories live. Discover now