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Yusuf pulled out his gloves and removed his scrubs and dumped them into the bin as he walked out of the OT. The surgery had been a success.

"Congratulations sir." A second year PG student who had had the opportunity to watch the surgery said.

Yusuf have him a small smile and a nod before walking towards the locker room.

The past week had been a bit of a challenge for him, first his past Alia waltzing into his present had been an unwelcoming surprise and then the words she had thrown at him had him left with a lot of thinking.

Yusuf had been ignoring Arham and Meher completely in the past week, he need some space to clear his mind and sort his feelings.

After a quick warm bath Yusuf was out of the locker room and headed for the parking, he was done for the day.

Familiar faces greeted him as he walked past the OPD, but one particular all too familiar but unexpected face made him stop.

"What is she doing here ?" He said to himself and made his way towards the waiting lady.

"What are you doing here ?" He said monotonously as he stood in front of her.

Hooriya was busy replying back to Meher when she heard the familiar voice. She took a moment and looked up to meet the familiar warm brown eyes.

"Salam Yusuf."

"Cut the crap Hoor." Yusuf hissed. "What are you doing here ?"

"I ... I'm. Yusuf can you please not -."
Hoor was interrupted by the compounder announcing her name.

"Mrs Hooriya Arham, please collect your prescription."

Yusuf turned around and smiled at the compounder. "I'll take that." He said and took the file from him.

"Morphine injections ?" He asked in a whisper. "For Hooriya Ajmal ? Why do you need them, Hoor why do you need them tell me." He asked his voice raising by a pitch.

"Can we.. can we go somewhere and talk about this Yusuf, please." She pleaded.

"Sure hoor." Yusuf scoffed and marched ahead with hooriya in tow.

A quick car ride to Yusuf's house later Hooriya sat across the watchful eyes of Yusuf, playing with her fingers.

"Speak." He said and all the restrain Hooriya had came undone.

Hooriya broke into sobs and said. "I'm dying Yusuf, I have a few months to live."

"Uh what ?" Yusuf said uncrossing his leg and adopting an attentive posture.

"The cancer from my uterus had spread before it was taken out, it somehow went undetected and just two months back .. I .. I don't have long." She said as tears flow freely now, confiding in someone close to family had liberated her of the weight she had been carrying all alone for all these months.

Yusuf on the other hand felt like he had been electro-ducted, the bomb Hooriya had broken on him had left him momentarily paralysed and all his senses on overdrive.

How in the name of God did this happen, how could he not know?

"Yusuf, Yusuf are you alright ?" He felt a hand on his shoulder. Coming out from the daze he saw Hooriya standing near him looking down at him with concern.

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