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The tall building of the Butt corps. glistened with the sun rays falling on its glass surface. The CEO of the company sat in his chair, his eyes skimming each line in the file cautiously looking for loopholes and mistakes.

"These are fine, get it looked over once by the legal team and then send it for processing." Arham said and handed over the file to his PA.

Pinching his eyes close, he leaned back in his chair and rest his head against the backrest as his PA walked out of the doors.

What had he done ?

Waking up in the wee hours of the morning when he felt a warm body wrapped with his and felt a foreign touch, he knew he had messed up. He slowly untangled himself from her, throwing the duvet off himself he slipped out of bed and walked into the shower.

"Do not think about it Arham." He said to himself and got under the spray of cold water.

He kept his mind busy, thinking out his meeting and the recent project he had taken up.

Finishing everything up in under twenty minutes he dressed up in his fine three piece olive green suit and walked out into the bedroom.

His eyes unknowingly travelled to the petite figure sprawled across the bed. He walked towards the bed and picked his phone from the bed side table and pocketed it.

His eyes again landing on the sleeping figure, he looked at her, at her beautiful face, her hair were sprawled on the pillow, she looked calm and serene but a small smile lingered on the stoic face.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered and walked out of the room.


The loud noise of the telephone ringing brought him back from the flashback. Arham picked up the black phone which had helped him break the guilt from washing over completely.

"Sorry sir, Mr. Chaudhary is here to see you." Nancy his PA said over the intercom.

"It's Dr. Chaudhary pretty girl." He could hear Yusuf's voice from the other side.

"Please let him in Nancy, thank you." Arham said and kept the phone down.

Arham got up from his chair and poured two shots of espresso from the French-press.

The door of his office opened unceremoniously and he knew only one person had the audacity to do so - his best friend.

"Arham butty. Kithey gaya?" (Where are you)

"Stop calling me Butty please Yusuf." Arham said handing him a cup.

"It's been years try to appreciate my creativity, there maybe so many who call you buddy, but Butty toh tenu eko he insaan boleyga." (But only one will call you butty)

"What brings you here Yusuf ?" Arham asked him rolling his eyes at his best friends stupid theory.

"Nothing particular, just came down because I missed you, I know you have a new wife and an old wife but I was there before them."

"Yusuf, khuda ke liye please not today." Arham bellowed. (For gods sake not today)

"Are you fine Arham ?" Yusuf asked, all the playfulness missing from his face.

"I'm not, I should have never married her. I don't deserve this, she doesn't either." He said gulping the bitter shot of coffee from his cup.

"You should have asked me once before just running off to Hyderabad, I was just a phone call away Arham. I would have come to Pakistan in the very next flight."

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