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Arham had always been good at reading people , a skill he had developed over the years, and Yusuf, Arham knew him better than he knew himself.

Arham was positive that something was majorly off with his best friend and he would ask him about it eventually, but if Yusuf needed time and space, he would respect his wishes.

As the elevator doors closed, the sudden shift in the energy radiating from the person next to him was very evident. The outspoken, childish, bubbly Meher or should he say Nur Jahan had gone and in front of him stood the plain Jane.

Arham would lie if he said it didn't bother him that his own wife was more comfortable with another man, his best friend in-fact than she had ever been with him.

After his mother had left for Islamabad the only conversation Meher had initialled was in regards to find the whereabouts of Yusuf. Meher had done all her wifely duties in silence, the past week the only two occasions she had spoken to him was to thank him and to question him.

"So how is the library ?" Arham asked as he called from his car from the valet.

"It great, thank you." She replied curtly.

"Good. When are your exams ?"

"A month and a half approximately." She replied.

"Oh. Best of luck." He said and mentally facepalmed himself immediately.
'Best of luck ? Seriously Arham, best fucking luck ?' He mentally scolded himself.

"Thank you." Meher replied politely and to Arham's luck his black sedan pulled into the driveway immediately.

Arham hopped into the drivers seat and strapped himself to the seat igniting the engine.

Meher too got in gracefully into the passengers seat.

Arham switched on the radio to kill the awkward silence he knew would come along the journey back home.

Sweet music begun to play through the speakers and a soft hum came from him left. He watched Meher lean against the window and watch the lights passing in a blur, her hazel eyes shone and the yellow lights of the street creates shadows on her face making her look softer than she was.

"Zindagi.. Kaisi hai paheli, haae
Kabhi to hasaaye, Kabhi ye rulaaye
Zindagi." Meher started to duet along with the voice coming from the speaker. Arham was surprised to hear her sing and in awe with her sweet voice contributing to the melody.

"Kabhi dekho man nahi jaage, Pichhe pichhe sapano ke bhaage
Ek din sapano kaa raahi , Chalaa jaae sapano ke aage kahaan

A few things Arham had learnt today

One - his wife has two personalities

Two - she didn't trust him to be her true self in front of him

Three - she was one hell of a singer and

Four- his wife loved ice creams

Arham pulled the brakes of the car and the car came to a screeching halt, making Meher squeal.

"Sorry." Arham apologised.

"Is there something wrong ?" Meher asked innocently looking up towards Arham.

"Ice.. Ice..Ahem." Arham cleared his throat. "Ice cream." He said pointing towards the road side ice cream vendor.

"Ice cream ?" Meher asked surprised.

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