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Meher pulled out her phone as soon as she sat in the backseat of her car.
Quickly dialling the familiar number she placed the hearing end on her ear.

A few bells later, the familiar voice greeted her from the other end.

"You remember me ?" Yusuf said pulling her leg.

"Well the doctor did tell me to not remember traumatic experiences of the past but-."


"Okay I'm sorry." Meher let out a full blown laugh. "My colleagues interrupted me when I was going to text you back and then the entire day was busy, but the first thing I've done after stepping out from the office is to call you." Meher said.

"Well don't I feel special." Yusuf replied.

"What are you doing ?" Meher asked looking out if the window of her moving car.

"Reading." He replied browsing through a case file.

"Alright I'll leave you to it then." She said and bid farewell as the car pulled into the driveway of the butt mansion.

The lights of the butt mansion were on when she entered and she head towards the sound of utensils coming from the kitchen.

Walking slowly into the kitchen she noticed Gul had done the preparations for dinner.

"Gul. Thank you so much, I'll do the rest." Meher said walking into the kitchen. "You should go rest now." Meher gave her a smile while keeping the kettle of water to boil to make some tea for herself.

"Are you sure Meher Bibi ?" Gul asked.

"Yes absolutely. Now get going." Meher said and watched Gul leave.
After she heard the small thud of the door close. Meher switched on her radio and set it to the frequency which played her favourite old songs.

One of her favourite songs was on. Meher began to hum the song as she placed the pots and pan on the stove and began adding the meat and vegetables.

'Bade Acchee lagte hai
Yeh Dharti, yeh nadiyaa, yeh rainaa
Aur tum
Bade Acchee lagte hai
Yeh Dharti, yeh nadiyaa, yeh rainaa aur?
Aur tum mm mmmm'

Meher sang along with 'Amit Kumar' as he sang the evergreen song.

Lost in her world of cooking and singing along, Meher failed to notice that she had a pair of eyes watching her sing and dance as she cooked happily in her bubble.


It had been a tiring day for Arham. Meetings after meetings and the work load after his father had shifted his base to Islamabad had just burdened him more with responsibilities and work.

It had been weeks since Hooriya had left, and Arham had drowned himself more into his business as a coping mechanism to not miss his wife. 

Arham stepped out of his black Audi and stretched his legs, a thudding headache and a dull back pain had accompanied him home.

"Arham bhaijaan you've come home." Gul said as she saw Arham stand in the driveway. "Should I make you a cup of coffee ?" She asked.

"What are you doing out in the cold Gul ?" Arham asked frowning.

"Meher Bibi had asked me to retire for the night but I'll make a cup of coffee for-."

"No, you should go rest. I'll ask Meher or make it myself." Arham said giving Gul a small smile.

Gul nodded and left for her quarters behind the butt mansion. Arham sighed and took his tired legs inside.
The huge Butt mansion seemed like a ghost house, the once full of life house today had just two people living in it, two people who did not speak more than two words with each other.

Meher •completed•Where stories live. Discover now