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Warning : Short chapter :))

It was all a blur.

Everything like a dream, everything seemed lucid.

The last she remembered was reaching home, walking the entire way from office to the Butt Mansion, she remembered being interrogated by Gul about her state, she remembered changing out of her work attire, the next memory was her and Arham and a lot of yelling, she remembered their conversation, she remembered forcing herself on him, the next lucid memory was of Yusuf walking into the guest bedroom and holding her where she had hid herself from the world, Arham and even herself.

She didn't know what happened thereafter, but here she was sitting in the backseat of the same car which had brought her from Hyderabad to Lahore and was now taking her to another unknown destination which was going to probably change her life yet again.

Yusuf watched Meher from the rear view mirror, her head rested against the window pain, her eyes looked beaded, no emotion passed through her once expressive eyes. She looked pale, she was so still that she almost looked dead as the moonlight hit her face.

Yusuf looked to left, his best friend sat on the passenger seat, his emotions mirroring that of his second wife, he looked like he had given up, like he had no strength to fight anymore, Yusuf looked at him and gulped remembering the state in which he had found Arham, him sitting crouched on the floor between shattered ceramic and shards of glass and scattered books, Ahram looked terrible. Yusuf did not want to but couldn't help but think about how his friend would react when he would find out the entire truth, when he would find about Hooriya, about Hooriya dying.

It had been difficult to get Arham out of his trance like state earlier that evening and even more to convince him to accompany him to Islamabad without any proper explanation, but Yusuf knew, this wasn't going to be the difficult part.

Yusuf wasn't even trying to fathom the magnitude of grief and sadness which was about to impend upon his best friend and in turn in all their lives, all he knew was he was going to do everything in his hands to ease his pain, how much ever he could.

Yusuf pulled the breaks in front of the multi story hospital, the sound of the tires screech pulled the two dead looking souls out of their thoughts.

Meher looked out through her window and Arham though the windscreen to see the large lighted name board.

'Kulsum International Hospital.'

"What are we doing at a hospital ? And why have you brought us to Islamabad?" Arham asked looking at Yusuf who was unbuckling himself from the car seat.

"Don't ask me any questions Arham, just come with me for now." Yusuf said closing his eyes before taking in a deep breath.

Arham looked at him in the eye and saw the whirlpool of emotions, giving Yusuf a nod he too opened the door of the passengers seat and hopped out.

Meher sat in the back seat, looking lost. The two men looked at each other waiting for her to step out.

"I'll check." Yusuf said and walked towards the door. He pulled it open.

"Come Nur." He said looking at her.

Meher looked at him and averted her eyes. She picked her phone which was kept on her side and stepped out.

She looked at the phone in her hand, it was a gift from Hooriya to her, or was it a part of her payment. A sudden rage hit her, she lifted her hand which held the phone in the air and slammed it onto the floor breaking the device.

"Nur!" Yusuf called startled at her behaviour. "What are you doing !" He exclaimed holding her by her arm pulling her away from the glass pieces of the phone screen which were scattered close to her.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She screamed freeing her hand from his hold. She looked at him with burning rage in her eyes. "Stay away from me." She said.

Yusuf looked at her dumbfound. It was the first time he was listing to her voice after days and these were not the words which he had wanted to listen coming from her mouth.

"Nur pleas-."

"Meher. It's Meher, even for you." She said looking at him with translated into her mistrust and his betrayal.

"Nur please don't. I'm .. I'm sorry I didn't -."

"Don't talk to me." She whispered. "Not right now, please."

"Yusuf." Arham called out to him.
"Where have you brought us ? And why ?"

"I.. I." He gulped. "Just come with me please." He said and walking towards the entrance of the building. He heard two sets of footsteps following him, taking the right turned and a flight of stair, he stood outside the oncology ward.

"Why are we here ?" Arham asked again. Yusuf chose to ignore him and pushed the door open to enter the corridor, walking towards Hooriya's room.

He stopped in front of double doors painted white with 418 written in black.

"Go inside." He said looking at the two.

Arham looked at him with confusion.

"You both will find the answers to all your why's behind these doors." He said. "Go."


"Hooriya calm down beta, your blood pressure had shot up." Safa said stroking Hooriya's head.

"Momani jaan, he's coming here, he'll know about me, he'll know everything." Hooriya panicked.

"It's time meri jaan."

"What will happen of him Momani jaan, what if this affects him badly, I won't be able to die in peace knowing I'm killing him with myself, I'm causing his so much pain, I'm going to kill him..."

"Hooriya calm down."

"He'll die, what have I done, call Yusuf, tell him to not bring Arham here. Please.."

"Hooriya stop."

"...tell him, Arham can't know, he can't find out, he'll die, he loves me too much, he can't.."

"HOORIYA !" Safa yelled pulling Hooriya out of her frenzy. "It's going to be okay beta, please you are spoiling your health please." She said wrapping her arms around Hooriya fragile frame . "Please beta, relax." She said rocking their bodies to calm Hooriya down.

Safa could hear Hooriya's breathing even out. Her state of panic had come under control. Safa helped Hooriya lie down on the bed, she bent down and kissed Hooriya on her forehead.

"Sleep meri jaan, take some rest, you have taxed yourself out."

Hooriya nodded, she could feel all her energy drain.

Hooriya caught Safa's hands between hers and looked at her with her hazel eyes.

"He's going to be fine right ? He will take this, me, my state in a better way than I expect right maa ?" She whispered looking Safa with glassy eyes.

"I hope so too Hoor." Safa whispered. "I hope he will."

The doors of the bedroom were pushed open, the loud squeaking noise made the two women look at the door at the intrusion.

The person standing in front of them, made their breath hitch.
Arham stood there with a blank expression, behind him stood Meher with confusion written on her face.

"What's going on ?"

AN: short chapter I know.
I've been so busy, wrote this like 30 minutes ago.

Last few chapters left. I'm going to rush the end a bit, not waste time on extra details.
I'm so excited for the end *squeal*

Next update at 330 votes.
Vote aaram se, no rush !!

Till then leave behind your feedback !

Stay safe
lots of love

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