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In evening sangeet ceremony started making melodies and merrymaking float in the air

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In evening sangeet ceremony started making melodies and merrymaking float in the air. Music was ruling over the rhythm of breaths. The zeal for marriage was all evident in the ceremony. It completed as planned.

At night both the brothers were returning from Rohini's chamber after making her sleep.

"Kanha, tonight again Bholenath will demand to go for an outing with Gauri," Dau told in a tone justifying the difficulties of their situation.

"You are right, Dau. But we have to be in his support," Kanha told matching the pace of dau's tone.

"This time we will let them go after mata's checking in their chambers," Kanha nodded at dau.

Then they entered in their chamber, and found Gopeswar was waiting for them.

"You both came!" Gopeswar exclaimed making the duo sigh to compose themselves before facing the upcoming challenges.

"Bholenaath, tonight you will go after mata's checking," Before Gopeswar could speak something dau put forward his suggestion.

"Mata has already checked my chamber," Gopeswar held their hands to go out.

"Then what about Gauri?" Kanha asked before proceeding.

"She must have checked her chamber also," Without letting the interrogation proceed Gopeswar made the duo move along with him.

They peeped into Gauri's chamber. But to their bad luck Devaki was there with Gauri. Brothers signalled Gopeswar to hide, and he hided behind a piller of Gauri's room after entering into with brothers secretly.

"Mata, what are you doing here?" Kanha asked in a sugary voice.

"I am chatting with her. She is so lovely. Tomorrow is her bidai. After that I can't see her," Sadness started to gather in Devaki's eyes.

"No, Mata. I will come whenever you want to see me," Gauri held her hands in assurance.

"Mata, I think Gauri needs rest. Tomorrow will be hectic for her," Dau told when Kanha hit him with elbow to break the emotional moment.

"Yes, Mata. Come on. Let's leave," Kanha supported dau's words instantly hoping the outcome to be in their favour.

"I just came now. I won't go. If you both wish then you can," Brothers stared at each other in bewilderment.

Devaki started her chatting session. Noticing that Gopeswar coughed fakely. When Devaki turned Kanha acted as he coughed. Gopeswar continued this for four times.

"Kanha, I think you caught cold. So, you won't eat butter for two days," Kanha was about utter his words, but dau held his hand indicating a no.

"Kanha, don't say anything. Other wise you will be landed into more trouble," Dau whispered near Kanha's ear.

Kanha kept quiet. He looked at Gopeswar to give a pleading look of we can't do anything now, and you have to wait. After sometimes Devaki left. Then Gopeswar too left with Gauri. Brothers sighed in relief.

"Kanha, we have to make sure that no one comes again," Both went to hall, and leaned on a couch.

After sometimes a group of girls were going towards Gauri's room.

"Kanha, some girls are going towards Gauri's room," Kanha stood up with a jerk at dau's words.

"What a mess again!" Kanha screamed as they were approaching more towards Gauri's room.

They both went towards girls, and asked them why they were going to Gauri at this hour. One of them said that they have to talk to Gauri. Dau tried to stop them in name of Gauri's sleep. But they said that Gauri had promised them to give beauty tips, and they will go to her anyhow.

"Kanha, now only you can handle this," As usual the issue moved to Kanha.

"Me! What will I do? They aren't ready to stop," Kanha too tried to move that issue back to dau.

"Kanha, why don't you give them beauty tips?" Dau suggested pushing Kanha a bit forward.

"Dau, I won't let myself to be trapped in this mess," Kanha came backward denying dau.

"Kanha, you have to do this. Think if they get to know the truth then what will happen?" Dau again pushed Kanha.

"Attention, girls. Don't disturb Gauri. I will give you tips," Kanha announced going at the middle of them.

At first they weren't convinced. But somehow Kanha made them. Then he started giving them tips showing demos of making face pack and hairstyle. After late midnight they went leaving behind a tired Kanha. After their departure Kanha gave a "Why only me?" type look, and dau laughed uncontrollably.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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