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A bright morning was proceeding ahead along with many procedures of daily life.  Along with brightness shadowy clouds were also active. Those were used to pull the curtain over the brightness mildly only to release it immediately.

Brothers were arranging jewelleries and other accessories on dressing table choosing the best among the whole collection. Their attention interrupted when they sensed someone was approaching to them with slow steps. In no time they were engulfed in side hug with slight wetness on their skin.

That person was none other than their Gudiya who had become five years old gracing their lives with her sweet words, angelic smile, mischievous moves, tricks of trapping, weird demands, cute complaints and innocent self.

"Gudiya, your hairs are still wet. As usual you came from bath without wiping your hairs properly. It's not good," Dau broke the hug first, and made her sit in front of dressing table to wipe her wet hairs properly.

"Dau, why isn't it good?" She asked leaning towards dau.

"If your hairs remain wet for long time then you may........... That's why it's not good," Dau told completing his task.

"I may...... What, Dau?" She asked looking at Dau.

"Then you may not have normalcy in health," Dau started to comb her hairs.

"You too got the habit of not answering in simple words like bhratashri," She giggled looking at Kanha who was picking up her bangles to make her wear.

"Correction, Gudiya. Not habit, it's a well recognised talent of mine," She giggled modding her head at his words.

"Why is that compliment, Gudiya?" Dau asked curiously still focusing arranging her hairs well to decorate.

"You could have simply told that I may become ill instead of your twisted statement, Dau!" She told making dau stop followed by Kanha who was putting bangles to her wrist.

"Never even think like this," Saying so dau hugged her tightly to himself while Kanha was looking silently yet with soft gaze towards them.

"I just told about a possibility, Dau!" She told in hug.

"But till the time your brothers are alive there's no such place for this possibility," Dau's protectiveness tightened the hug.

Subhadra indicated Kanha to handle the seriousness of her words. But he playfully acted his helplessness. She narrowed her eyes at him reminding him about Yashoda maiya, and made him node at her.

"Dau, you messed her hairs," Kanha screamed making dau release her.

"Do hurry, Dau. We have an outing today. Don't forget that," Kanha started to made her wear bangles followed by armlet, necklace, kohl and bindi. Dau too completed hair accessories well in her thick curly hairs.

"The prettiest girl is ready," Kanha complimented pinching tip of her nose softly.

"The prettiest is girl is ready to enchant us newly for this day," Dau picked her up in arms, and siblings shared a group hug.

So readers, here's the epilogue

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So readers, here's the epilogue.

Now questions.

(1) Your favourite scene of this story?

(2) Any gesture made you smile?

(3) Any action made you visit any chapter again?

(4) Any uniqueness you found?

In this part of Yadav Jyoti series baby Subhadra had taken birth with many boons and good wishes which her brothers earned to add into her virtues which were nurtured in herself a way before; as described in other two prequels, Her Story and The Saga Is Going To Start.

In the next part of this series ready to see blissful days of Subhadra's childhood, and to admire the siblings once again.

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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