Make me go: Baby

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I didn't knew why on earth I asked her to date me. I didn't even knew where those words came from.Is it really me?I sighed before my thoughts got nudged by the woman behind me

"Hey Chaeyoung,are you okay?"


She chuckled.She kissed my shoulder before leaning her chin on them again.

"For a moment,a part of me was glad when you asked me if we could atleast try to date.But I remembered, you're not into being one.You despise commitments just as you despise dating"


"You're just joking,right?"

She chuckled.Am I just joking?
No,I don't think so.All I know was I want to date her.
I am new to this kind of thing but I want to try it out with her,with Mina.

"I don't think so"

"What?are you serious chaeyoung?"

"I am"

She changed our position and made me face her. She was staring at me for a minute while I was avoiding her curious stares.

"What made you changed your mind all of a sudden and why it has to be me?I thought you hate stuffs like dating?"

"I do,but not until I met you.You were different from the rest.The moment I left you there on the resort was the moment I started to long for you.I missed you! I even started to regret for leaving you behind.Soon,I've been drowning myself with liquors and with work stuffs just to avoid thinking of you but I didn't succeed.I end up looking for you but I failed as well."


I looked down and start playing with the bubbles that scattered on top of the water.

"Mina,there's something in you that made me want to try to date and experience how it feels to be with someone you want to be with.I am new to this.I am even new to all of these strange feelings I've been feeling since I met you.I want to try everything and of course not with anyone else,but with you"


"I know I am being too selfish right now.But I don't want you to be with anyone else other than me.I can't even think of it and when I do,It hurts me.Mina,I know it's too weird but I think,I think I like you Mina"

I bit my lips and try to contain my feelings.I was too nervous and scared.Nervous of her possible reactions and scared of her rejection


"I really like you Mina,I really do"

She gently grabbed my chin and make me look at her but I immediately escape from her stares and looked away

"Chaeyoung,look at me please"

Her voice was so sweet and full of assurance which made me look at her right away.She was smiling. She was smiling which made me nervous even more

"I like you too,Chaeyoung"

I gasped.I am expecting her to laugh at me or atleast throw sarcastic words like she did at the bar last night but what happened was the other way around

"You looked so surprise Chaeyoung,you're funny"

"Because I can't believe it.I am really surprised"

"I like you chaeyoung,since the moment I saw you watching those shits back there on the resort"

"Mina those are stars not shits"

MAKE ME GO(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now