Make Me Go: Fears and doubts

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I stare at chaeyoung.She's too engrossed watching that shits above.I wonder what is she thinking

Here we are now at Jeongyeon unnie's beach resort where Chaeyoung and I first met.It's already nine in the evening but here we are,spending the time together in the shore while watching those shits and talking about anything

"You really love looking at those shits,huh?"

She chuckled when I suddenly called those stars as shits,again

"Baby,how many times do I have to tell you that they're stars not shits?You're funny"

"What?Isn't it the same thing?"

"Why do you even call them shits Minari?"

"No certain reason at all.I just wanted to"

She chuckled at my silliness before grabbing my hands and kissing them.I scoot closer to her and kissed her cheeks before leaning on to her shoulder



"Is is okay if I visit Somi in Paris?"

"Of course,we can always visit her-"

"No baby! I mean..Just me,alone.."

I quickly moved away from her shoulders and smacked her head

"Yah! why don't you want me to tag along? Are you cheating on me?"

"No! It's just that...I..uh.."

I looked at her.She seems nervous and fuck,she even stutter.What's going on?

"What is it,Son Chaeyoung?"

"I uh..I actually missed Somi,a lot.I don't know,I just.. I just wanna check her out if she's alright.."

Suddenly,a pang of pain strucked my heart.She said she missed Somi a lot but why does she have to go there?I mean I know they're friends but does she really have to go there just because she missed Somi?

What bothers me the most was she didn't even wanted me to tag me along.Is she hiding something?


"Do you really have to go there?Can't you just call her?"

"Mina,I wanted to see her personally..please..I really missed her.."

Now she's calling me Mina not Minari or baby.. God,I'm starting to overthink things

"Can't I really go with you?I missed her too you know"

"I'm sorry Mina.I just really wanted to go there alone and besides,Somi might get hurt if she saw us together there.You know it's only few months after our break up,right?I don't want to hurt her even more.."

She don't want to hurt Somi even more?What did she really mean by that?aish! I knew this feeling and I'm hating it

I'm having doubts..I'm scared..

"What if I say no?"

"Come on Mina..It's just a week-"

"A week?God chaeyoung.Don't you know how long a week is?"

"Mina,it's just a fucking week!"

I was surprised.She just yelled at me.I don't know what is happening right now.All I know is I'm slowly getting scared

What if's start running on my mind..

What if she still love Somi..what if she's realizing that now and she's actually planning to get her back?

I stood up out of frustrations

"You don't have to yell at me,you know.."

"Mina,I'm sorry-"

"Let's just go back to the hotel,it's getting late.."

I immediately went back to our place leaving Chaeyoung then quickly went to the bath room and cried..

I'm hurting..I'm scared..

What if she's cheating on me?What if she's actually taking revenge on me?

God,is this my karma?

After calming myself,I went outside the bathroom and went to the kitchen to grab some water.Crying really drained my energy so I need to grabbed something

I went to the kitchen but then I saw Chaeyoung there, she's on the phone.She's standing there facing the kitchen sink talking with someone

I hid myself and listened to her but I didn't expected that what I'll be hearing would totally broke my heart

"Okay..bye babe..I'll see you soon..yeah,I love you too you know that.."

I didn't know how and where the hell did I get the strength to move quickly and get out of the kitchen but I just found myself in the bathroom crying,again.

I don't know what to do..what to think..

All I know is,I'm hurting and I'm so scared


I heard knocks on the bathroom door so I immediately fixed myself and washed my face before
opening the door

"What took you so long?Are you alright?"


I immediately went to the bed and and buroed my face in the pillow..

I wanted to confront her about the call,about everything running on my mind right now but I was scared.I was too scared to know the truth and too afraid she might leave me

I felt Chaeyoung moved closer to me and hugged me so I moved sideways and acted like I'm already sleeping but she still hugged me

She kissed my temple before whispering something that broke my heart even more

"I'm sorry Mina..I'm really sorry.."


It's been two days after Chaeyoung flew to Paris and visit Somi but she's still not calling me since the day she left.

It's funny how she already informed everyone that she was now spending a great time with Somi,her ex girlfriend while she didn't even sent me any single message

"Yah,Mina that's enough're already drunk!"

I didn't listened to Jihyo unnie and kept chugging the alcoholic drink in front of me

I'm at Sana's place right now,drinking with Jihyo unnie,Tzuyu and Sana unnie.I told them the reason why I'm actually drowning myself in liquor

"Come on,Mina.Maybe chaeyoung just really missed Somi.Stop overthinking.."

"But what about the call Sanake..I know she's talking with Somi that time.She used to call her babe and we all know that.."

"Mina I can call everybody babe tok,you know but that doesn't mean I love them the way I love my Yoda"

"Bacause that's how flirty you are,idiot!"

Tzuyu snorted before looking at Sana with a death glare

"Yah,Tzuyu words please.."

"Sorry Jinhyo unnie.."

I ignored them and keep drinking until I went sleepy and passed out..

I love you,chaeyoung..please don't leave me..please..


Lame UD i know..
I'm still sleepy,goodnight😪
Enjoy reading🥰

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