Make Me Go: I still love You

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(Note: play the audio/video when Chaeyoung sings. Feel the emotion guys🖤)


Chaeyoung and I were here in the park with Ray.She told me I need to get some fresh air and sunlight just as Ray do so she insisted on having this picnic

After I lost my sense of sight,I only went out of my house when it's my check up and that means this is the first time I'll get out of the house again

But this time,I can't see anything

I am not wearing any shades or sunglasses because Chaeyoung told me my eyes were too pretty to be hidden underneath those glasses so I didn't use one either

I don't also have those stick that assists blind persons because Chaeyoung said she'll be the one to assist me all through out so I didn't brought one also

Chaeyoung has been acting so sweet lately but I know it's just a friendly gesture

These past few days,she always dropped in my house just to check on me.Sometimes she would brought some food especially those fried stuffs so that I could eat and dip them with ketchup. Sometimes, she'll just visit me out of nowhere and stay until dinner

I'm so happy lately and it's all because of her.I'm not crying anymore and I can now sleep peacefully unlike the first two weeks of being blind.

Actually,after Chaeyoung and I talked,we both became closer to one another again but don't get me wrong,I know she's just being extra nice because of my situation though She told me she's not spending time with me because she's feeling pity towards me,she said she just really wanted to hang out with me and make up for those times when we are both suffering

It may sound weird but even Somi agrees with Chaeyoung's idea.She said she'll even love to join us but she's too busy handling their family business right now

Somi and I became close friends too.I don't know how it happened but it just did and I am happy about it.She's really a nice person.She often calls me during her free times and that was so sweet

Chaeyoung and I has been walking around the park for some time now.Chaeyoung was carrying a basket and was supporting me on the other hand while i am holding Ray's leash

"Hey Minari,let's settle here.The son wasn't too hot here and the air here was so cool and relaxing"

She loves to call me Minari right now which I found so adorable


"Wait,stay there for a second,I'll just fix everything"

It didn't took long when I felt her gentle hands around my waist and guided me down the mat

"Now,let's eat.."

"Okay,what did you prepared?"

"Well,I prepared a lot of fresh fruits.We also got some vegetables and some fried chickens that you could dip into your beloved ketchup"

"Oh,that's so sweet of you.I suddenly became hungry"

"Okay,let's eat then"

I waited for her to gave me my food but she didn't gave me one

"Minari,say aaah"


"Hey,Chaeyoung..I can still eat on my own you know that right?"

"Yeah,but I wanted to feed you"

"Chaeyoung,you don't have to-"

"But I wanted to.."

MAKE ME GO(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now