Make me go:experiment

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Billie Eilish's song was playing while I was driving. I'm on my way to Busan again to be with my beloved angel,Mina.

Today was friday,the day before her flight.
I cleared my schedules just to spent this day with her before her flight tomorrow.

I smiled.
I'm excited..yes,But I am also feeling sad 'cause Mina would be gone for a month.I can't even imagine how would I cope up without seeing her for that long.

That may sound cheesy but this past months,I got so used on being with her most of the time which may be the reason why I'm feeling this way

We decided to spent the rest of the day after her photoshoot today.She told me it would end by lunch since the production team rushed it due to some matters

I'm already in Busan.I checked my wristwatch.It's only ten in the morning so I decided to grab a cup of coffee since I didn't bother having a breakfast earlier

Soon,I was already sipping my freshly-brewed black coffee and eating my strawberry cake.I sat beside the  large glass window and roam around my eyes to the other side of the road until it landed on a certain shop

Unicorn's Nest

My curiousity aroused.There's something with this shop that caught my attention all of a sudden.Well maybe because the shop itself screams gayness.
I could exactly tell because the name of the shop itself says it all and the theme of the shop outside looks so gay


After having my meal,I found myself walking towards the shop.Well,maybe I could spend a minute to check what's inside and get something for Mina

As soon as I entered the shop,I chuckled metally.I  got the bull's eye,this shop is made for people who's into same sex relationship

I started roaming around.The shop was good. It's even better than what I expected.They got everything. Couple stuffs,movies,books and everything. All themed in gay

I kept roaming around.I was still undecided on what to get for Mina.She seems to have everything she need and want anyway.

I sighed and scratched my nape.
Maybe,I should just get a book for her

"Hi ma'am"

A staff appeared and knocked me off from my thoughts.I bow at her expressing my greeting

"looking for something in particular?"

"Uh,I actually don't know what to get"

"Oh I you perhaps have a girlfriend ma'am?"

"Y-yeah,I do"

"Then,would you mind if I recommend our best sellers' section area for you,ma'am?"

"Oh,not at all"

"Okay,kindly follow me ma'am"

I followed the staff as she lead the way.She then led me into a stair.I didn't notice the shop got a second floor.

"We are here,ma'am.Just ask our staff over there if you need some questions and assistance"


As soon as the staff left,I roamed around the place which made my eyes went wide. I can even feel myself blushing.I was dumb-founded.whou wouldn't?!

Best-sellers huh?
I grinned and giggled

Well,the place was full of sex toys and sex stuffs.Name it,they have it.It's way different than what's in the first floor.I mentally slapped myself. What have I done. I shouldn't be here

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