Make Me Go: the hidden truth

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I've been stealing glances at Chaeyoung while she's busy talking with Dahyun.We are currently at Nayeon unnie's bar and here I am,talking with Somi and the other girls

Somi was a nice woman.She and Chaeyoung really deserve each other.They're both selfless and a good hearted person,unlike me

Talking to Somi made me jealous.I don't have the right to be but it's what I'm feeling.I'm so jealous of her.Seeing how Chaeyoung stares at Somi breaks me apart.I know they're so in love with each other and that hurts me

But I know,I deserve that.I deserve this pain.After all the things I have done,I don't even deserve any forgiveness at all

Actually,I was so shock when Jihyo unnie called me earlier and told me that Chaeyoung and somi were back here again.

And the moment I saw her,my body automatically ran to her and hug her.I missed her so much,so much that it almost made me insane.

After she left with Somi and went to Paris,I started to realize things and regret everything

I realized how selfish I was,how coward I was back then but it's too late now.I've done too much and I know,she doesn't deserve to be with someone like me at all

"Excuse me,I'll just go to the rest room"

I quickly stood up and ran away from them.I went to the rooftop and released all the emotions I've been keeping since the moment I saw Chaeyoung earlier

I cried my heart out.I'm hurting.I am deeply hurting knowing the fact that Chaeyoung was now happy with someone else while I am here,still having regrets for everything I've done and here I am,still loving her from afar

I stopped crying when someone hugged me,it's Dahyun

"Go on,unnie.Cry it all out.Cry it all out until you feel better"

And so I did.I cried in her chest until I felt better.I became closed to Dahyun and the rest of the gorls again when they all found out what really happened amd what's my reason behind my every action

At first,they were mad at me for keeping everything to them and for dealing with Eunha alone but like I said, I really don't wanna risk the life of my family and Chaeyoung

"Thanks Dahyun"

"Don't thanked me.I don't deserve that.Besides,I'm one of the reason why you're also hurting right now"

"No Dahyun,it's all my fault"

"You're wrong unnie.I judged you too quickly without knowing your real reasons and intentions.I fed Chaeyoung wrong thoughts without knowing the real reason of your actions.I'm sorry Mina unnie"

"You didn't do anything wrong Dahyun.You just cared for Chaeyoung and you don't want her to be hurt anymore which is right"

"It was never the right thing to do unnie.I was one of the reasons why she gave up on you and hated you"

"Which what exactly I wanted to happen.But now, I regret doing that Dahyun.I regret hurting the person I loved the most"

Another tear escape from my eyes when I remembered the past..

At first,I cheated on Chaeyoung.I knlw it's wrong but I really did because I thought I still love Eunha that time so I agreed to fix everything with her again when she told me still loves me.I thought she had already changed,but I was wrong.

She even became worst.She is still cheating but hat's even worst is when She started saying she'll kill my family and Chaeyoung if I chose to ran away from her.At first,I thought she's just scaring me.I thought she can't do that so I broke up with her.

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