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And here we are, with chapter 2. Hope you'll like it :)

“I have a question for you, weasel.”

I didn’t even know she was here. Until, well, she spoke to me without even saying hello.

“Yes?” I mutter, turning around to look at Olga. She’s taller than me, is bigger too, and she has more authority, which is the most important thing. Her long, straight blonde hair is waving in the wind, her emerald green eyes are staring right into mine.

“Sorry if I’m bringing this up a lot later, but a few weeks ago I saw you walking into the Hangar early in the morning.”

Oh, that. Well, I do have a cover story for that. Which isn’t even a lie.
I casually shift my weight from one foot to the other and think that instead of telling the truth, I can tease her a bit. These past few weeks I found out that doing this to somebody will either put them under pressure or at ease, making them more eager to keep the conversation going anyway.

“You might have seen me there, yes,” I answer, wanting to keep it vague at least for now.

“And what were you doing there?” She continues, taking a step forward.

I adjust my tanker’s hat on my head, which was slipping forward and was about to cover my vision, and give Olga a look that spells indifference, with a note of teasing.

“Good question…what was I doing there?”

I have also found out that I take a liking to teasing people and leaving them guessing. It’s a good way to hide my true intentions. And right now, my true intentions consist in making “friends” with her, or maybe more, and either gain a place in the student council, or get some privileges to give this school a blow that it will remember for years to come.

"Stop fucking around and tell me what funny business you were up to."

Oh, she's starting to get impatient, perfect. I want to tease her just a little more, then I'll reveal a part of what I was doing in the hangar. I can't just give away every single piece of information in one go, can I?

"And what if I don't?" I say, giving Olga a provoking wink.

"Are we really gonna play this game…?"

"Play? Game? I don't know what you're talking, about…senpai."

It's obvious that I only called her "senpai" to make her a little frustrated. She hates honorifics. I, on the other hand, don't hate them, but I think they're unnecessary. I know honorifics are a part of our society and culture, but I don't really see their use outside of a work environment, maybe.

“You’re just going to tease me, alright. Not gonna work, dear kohai.”

“Teasing you? Why would I tease you?”

“You’re obviously teasing me, for whatever reason.”

Alright, I’ll stop messing with her for the moment, or I might actually get in trouble. I don’t want to cross the line, yet. I let out a sigh with a slight note of disappointment, and nod in defeat.

“Maybe I was. But the fact remains that you still haven’t discovered what I was doing in the hangar.”

I make an ample gesture of my hand and smile, as I turn on my heels and place my hand on the doorknob of my room's door. I turn slightly to the right and hear a click. I gently push the door with my foot and I'm about to step inside, when I feel Olga grasping my shoulder from behind.

"Come with me."

Her tone of voice suddenly changed. She sounded annoyed and maybe a little bit angry before, now it's…it's like she wants to talk about something. This is getting quite interesting.

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