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Hello beautiful people, we're back with another one! Just a little disclaimer, these few next chapters are gonna be focused on some character development, before and during the winter holidays. I hope it won't bore y'all too much, and I'll try to make it as brief and concise as I can. So bear with me for a while, and I promise you won't be disappointed. I've got some pretty spicy shit planned :)

"...not looking good. She needed to undergo surgery immediately."

Who's talking? Their voice feels so distant, and muffled, yet familiar.

"I understand. Is she alright, now?"

This other voice…I know it too.

"Yes, she is. But she needs a lot of rest."

It's relieving to hear that I'm alright. Even if indirectly. But…wait, surgery? What happened to me? Did I get hurt? Ah, I don't remember much…

"How much?"

"About two weeks."

I slowly open my eyes, getting blinded by the light of what is probably a big ceiling lamp. After a few moments, I start distinguishing silhouettes of the objects in my room around me. A few seconds after that, my vision completely comes back.
The only two people in the room are a doctor, and…Olga. And me, obviously. Hearing me moving around in bed, they both turn to look at me, both relieved to see me awake.
Wait, hold on…I know that doctor. If she's here, it means…

"I'm in the Zhukov hospital," I whisper, to nobody in particular. It's just a statement to reassure myself that my brain still works, since I still feel very stunned.

"Hey, honey."

"Hello, mom."

Yes, my mother is a doctor in the Kiev's hospital. I don't see her often, since she's very busy with work, and I'm busy with school. But we always try to spend our holidays together, whenever we can. We have a good relationship, the two of us. It's not something that everyone can say, so I'm grateful for that.
Mom smiles at me, in the way a mother would smile at their favorite and only child, then turns to look at Olga.

"I need to leave you two, since I've got some work to do. Is keeping my daughter some company a problem for you, Olga-chan?"

Well, it seems like my mother and Olga had some time to get to know each other. I'm glad.
I'm also not surprised by how she called Olga. My mother is a very amicable woman, and she will get along well with anyone.

"Not at all, Yui-san."

"That's great."

Mom walks over to my bed and gently places a hand on my cheek, smiling at me again.

"I'll come and see you soon, honey."

I hadn't seen my mom in a while, I have to say. She always manages to put a smile on my face.

"Thank you, mom," I whisper kindly.

She smiles again, gives Olga a wave and heads out of the room, shutting the door behind her and leaving me alone with Olga, who grabs a chair and sits down beside my bed.

"So…how are ya feeling?"

This is actually a good question. On a psychological level, I feel exhausted, and dazed. On a physical level, I have a bit of a headache and I feel a little stiff, but nothing too bad. The headache from my hangover was a hundred times worse. And that's why you don't get drunk, kids.

"I'm alive…that's a start. Did we win against Kuromorimine?"

Olga laughs at what I just said, and cracks a little smile.

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