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Hello, here we are with another one. And there's no point in me rambling on about unimportant stuff, so I hope you'll like it :)

Today, it's going to be the second round. And, not surprisingly, I got benched again. They really aren't keen on letting first years participate. The only problem is that I don't have the slightest clue on how to spend my time here. And I also don't feel in the mood to sneak out and go somewhere else, since there wouldn't be many places for me to go anyways. Should I go around and casually approach people? No, that'd be kind of creepy. I mean, I could just go somewhere and take a nap, but it'd be a waste of time. I want to do something productive, while I wait for Olga to come back. But what...?

"So boring..."

I also should get up from here, but I found this really comfy spot at the base of this tree, with a few bushes more or less hiding me from passers-by, and the atmosphere is just perfect. As I'm thinking about other ways to spend my time, I feel my phone ringing in my pocket, so I quickly whip it out and see it's a call from...Olga? Why the hell is she calling me now? Shouldn't she be having a match? I quickly answer and bring the phone up to my ear, still wondering why I got a call from her now.


"Heya. Surprised to hear from me?"

"Yes, actually. What about the match?"

"Ah, you see, they swapped me out for one of the third-years at the last second, so I'm actually free to hang out. If you wanna, that is."

"Of course I do," I reply, finding myself smiling. "I'll send you my position on Line."

"Alright. Be there in a few minutes."

I close the call and immediately turn on whatever I have to turn on to send her the coordinates of the place I'm at right now. After the info has been sent, I put my phone away and sigh deeply, excited about the idea of spending some more time with Olga. I'm even more excited by the fact that this came as a surprise to both of us. I could tell by her tone of voice that she was looking forward to seeing me...or maybe I was just imagining things, who knows. My mind tends to jump to conclusions really quickly, too quickly. What matters now, though, is the fact that Olga's coming here. And frankly, I didn't need anything else. I've noticed that lately, ever since Mizuki passed away, she's started opening up more and more to me. She smiles more often, tells me important things about herself, like the other day when she told me about her medical condition, and she's started being a lot clingier. And...it makes me happy to think that I am part of the reason why she's like this now. While my brain keeps climbing higher and higher up in the clouds, I overhear the sound of footsteps in the grass, gradually getting closer. And by gradually, I mean really quickly. Suddenly, I see a figure appearing behind one of the bushes surrounding my little spot, and approaching me. It's Olga. How did she get there so quickly? I mean, she did say she was going to be here in a few minutes...has she been running? She's breathing pretty heavily, so I think she has. The jacket of her school uniform is tied around her waist, meaning she's only wearing another one of her really attractive T-shirts with a very wide neck. This one is white, with a purple skull in the front drawn in a pretty messy style. I love it.

"Nice little spot you have. That's why I didn't find you right away."

"You came here quickly," I point out, still a little surprised. "Did you run?"

"Yeah. I kinda did."

She sits down next to me, tossing her shirt on the ground nearby. As I glance at her left arm, which is laying on her lap, I notice the signs of her internal bleeding are almost gone: there are just a few slightly darker spots on her skin, but nothing too noticeable. Knowing about her medical condition is kind of scary, I have to admit. At any moment, she could...no, I don't even want to think about that. Why do I keep hurting myself with these negative thoughts? Olga is right here, close to me, and she's fine. That's all that matters.

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