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Hello, it's me, the annoying little voice in your head. I hope you're doing fine. Here's a new chapter for you. You better like it, or else. :)

It hurts.

"Get up."

It hurts all over.

"I said get up!"

Someone pulls my hair and forces me to stand. It's still less painful than what they already did to me. I look at them all, one by one. There are 5 of them, all third-years, from first to last. This doesn't surprise me. They had to pick on someone, didn't they? I just hope Irina didn't get targeted. I'd feel guilty if she got picked on because of me. Someone throws an elbow at my stomach, kicking all the air out of me and forcing me on my knees, which are already bleeding from all the times they tripped me and made me fall on the ground. I'm not gonna cry, and give these bitches any kind of satisfaction. I've already cried enough because of my own issues, I don't need to show any weakness here.

"Not even a sound. Tsk."

Someone kicks me in the chest, knocking me dead on the ground. I can feel some blood flowing on my face from a cut on my forehead. It's warm. I roll over on myself a few times, getting some distance between me and them, and stand somewhat straight, with my hair partially covering my vision. My own blood is flowing from my forehead onto my mouth. It's weird. One of them approaches me, arms crossed, a snide grin on her lips.

"Let's hope your little cousin won't be as quiet, eh?"

"What...did you say?"

I raise my head to look at her. She feels amused, doesn't she? Beating up someone as harmless as Helena with the help of a few other sluts makes her feel powerful, I get it.

"Heh. Looks like you're-"

With a lightning-quick movement, I pounce on her, breaking her ankle with one well-aimed kick. She screams inhumanly, then falls to her knees. I wrap one arm around her neck from behind, and reach for my knife in my jacket's pocket, pointing it at her throat.

"You all...try to lay a finger on Helena, and I'll fucking murder you."

I'm not kidding, I don't fucking care. If they dare to even touch Helena, I'm gonna lose it. These fucking cockroaches. Picking on the weak makes you feel better about your shitty useless selves, doesn't it? You're all worth nothing. Less than fucking trash. You're the lowliest of the lowliest scum in history. You disgust me.

"Fucking trash."

I put away my knife and start twisting the girl's arm. I wanna hear her screaming, and begging me for mercy. She seems to be enduring the pain quite well, but at some point, I manage to break her, and she starts screaming, really loudly. I don't wanna break her arm, though, one ankle will be enough. I keep it up for a few more seconds, then let go of her. As soon as she tries to stand up, I kick her away from me and send her back down to the ground. And now, here comes the retaliation. Three of them approach me, two of them holding me in place.

"Still standing, eh? I wonder how much it'll take for you to drop dead."

She punches me in the shoulder, with astonishing strength. Then, she punches me in the gut. Then, a kick at my chest. As I'm trying to catch my breath, the two girls let me go and the third one throws a punch at my face. And this time, I make the smart move and stay down, on the ground, lying in a fetal position. Mostly because I can't really stand up anymore, but also because I don't wanna receive any more punches, kicks, and whatnot.

"Fucking slut."

The third-years walk away, leaving me alone with my thoughts, on the cold, hard ground. Not as cold as the wind that's blowing. It's probably also gonna start snowing briefly. Goddammit, my everything hurts. I spit out some blood and try to stand, a salty taste remaining on my tongue, but I'm just too weak. They really fucked me up for good...and now it's starting to get cold. Seconds, minutes pass, I don't know, all I know is that those bastards are gonna look for Helena. And my body won't let me stand up. Please...Helena...I can't give up like this. I can't let them touch her. She's too frail to defend herself. Plus, a couple of days after the end of the tournament, they found out that Helena had been snooping around in Ekaterina's office, and that she'd leaked info to Kuromorimine. They're angry as hell with her, and they are gonna take it all out on her. And I gotta try to stop them. Nobody else is gonna be around since it's nearly past curfew, and Helena had cleaning duties in her classroom today, after dinner. They really planned this out well, didn't they?

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