Natalie was internally on fire, but had to exude cool calmness as the bastard at the bar clutched her hand. She was a few feet short of the panic button that summoned the bouncers, and couldn't quite reach it, but her anxiety was short lived as an extremely angry Pierce came into view.
Relief coursed through her as she made eye contact with the man she had been stealing glances from all night. As guilty as it made her feel, she couldn't help herself. Her reaction to him was involuntary and difficult to control which irritated her to her core. She had a boyfriend and she was not a cheater, so why did she feel such a pull to a man she had just met, especially that man. Regardless of her misplaced feelings, she was relieved to see him at the moment.
Hatred burned within Pierce's deep blue eyes as he approached the man from behind, but to her surprise he didn't confront him. Instead he walked around, letting himself behind the bar and positioned himself slightly in front of her acting as her own personal shield, which calmed her nerves and comforted her heart.
The man immediately released his hold on Natalie's hand as soon as Pierce's large frame came into view and it was obvious why. Pierce was massive and intimidating, not only tall, but extremely muscular with a lethal expression that communicated he was not to be messed with.
He snaked his muscular arm around her waist which first caused her to tense, but felt equally comforting at the same time.
"Hey baby, how's your night going?" he asked as he looked down at her lovingly.
Her eyes narrowed at him slightly, before she fully understood what he was doing, but her heart swelled once her brain caught up and she realized his intentions.
He's pretending to be my boyfriend to scare off the creep.
She had to admit she admired his tactic. He could have easily beat the man to a pulp, or physically moved him from the bar, but instead he chose a more subtle approach. One that wouldn't cause a scene and in turn cause more problems for her as an employee.
She decided to play along, hoping the sleazy man would take the hint.
"Not too bad, I just finished making Mr. Stevenson here a whiskey sour."
Pierce turned his attention to the sorry excuse of a man sitting at the bar top and gave him a deadly stare through his lowered brows, holding his gaze before he spoke.
The man sat there, wide eyed and stared back at Pierce as if he were trying to anticipate his next move and decide if he was about to catch a fist to the face.
"I'd leave now if I were you." Pierce growled causing the man to swiftly stand and do exactly as he had suggested. Natalie felt an immediate attraction to his dominance and protective nature, but quickly chastised herself at her hearts betrayal. Stop it Natalie. Get a hold of yourself.
"Thank you," she said as she looked up at Pierce. Even with her heels he had about eight inches of height on her which meant he had to be at least 6'1 or 6'2.
"No problem, beautiful," he said with a smile that melted her insides.
"But you really can't be back here." She quickly tried to put distance between them before she let herself enjoy his closeness more than she already had.
He followed her instructions without question, walking around the bar and taking a seat in front of her. His intense gaze radiated warmth through her body, causing her to shift her weight in an effort to rid herself of the sensation. This man was dangerous and she needed to get rid of him.

RomancePierce Lockland's reputation as a playboy and all around ladies man is hard earned. With a massive muscular build and a panty-dropping smile, Pierce looks more like a male model than a former Marine sniper, but that doesn't make him any less lethal...