The pain that racked Natalie's body was almost unbearable as she laid on the cold floor. The only thing that kept her heart pumping was the sight of Pierce on the other side of the room. His massive frame was almost unrecognizable, like a chained animal that was rabid and feral, full of rage and hatred that consumed his lighthearted playfulness.
She leaned forward, trying to inspect the wound on her side, but quickly lowered her head back down, regretting looking at the blood soaked fabric.
"Try not to move sweetheart." Pierce soothed from the other side of the room.
"Okay." she agreed softly, keeping her eyes on his.
He lowered himself down onto his stomach and laid on the floor so he could be eye level with her.
"I'm going to get us out of here." he said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"I know." she replied, confident in his abilities, but unsure if she'd be alive when he was able to accomplish it.
A tear rolled down her cheek and she closed her eyes to rest them for a second or two when she heard Pierce's panicked voice.
Every time she closed her eyes for more than a blink, Pierce became frantic, acting as if he let her rest her eyes she might not ever open them again, which was starting to feel like a real possibility with every passing hour.
"Have I ever told you about the first time I saw you?"
He's trying to keep me awake.
"No," she said with a weak smile.
"You were laughing at the hostess stand at Luxe, not just a giggle or a polite chuckle, I'm talking belly laugh from the soul. Your head was thrown back and you had so much light radiating from you I almost couldn't look directly at you. And when you passed by my table and those baby blues locked onto mine for the first time...I was hooked."
Her once weak smile gained some strength as if his words were pumping life back into her body.
"You followed me over to the bar. I saw you." she said softly.
"I would have followed you to the ends of the Earth." he corrected her with a smile.
"Can I tell you something embarrassing?" she asked.
"Always." he chuckled.
"I noticed you before you came to the bar. I had been trying to get your attention all night, so I um...made up a reason to go talk to the hostess...just so I could pass by your table."
She scrunched her face slightly, expressing her feelings about her own cringe worthy act.
"Well I'm so fucking glad you did. I've been yours ever since."
Her smile was deep and genuine and she let it spread across her face despite the pain in her lip and face because he deserved a big bright smile for the words he'd just said.
All of the warm fuzzy feelings that were floating through the air between them disappeared instantly when the door of the room slammed open.
One of Estrada's men came barging in with Ivan on his heels.
Pierce rose to his knees slowly, but stayed there in that position. It was obvious to her that he was trying to act weak and tired hoping one of them would be stupid enough to underestimate him.
"I told you Estrada and Damion won't be back for another hour and I'm going to have some fucking fun. Look at her man, she's worth the risk." The man licked his lips and ran his disgusting eyes over Natalie's body on the floor.

RomancePierce Lockland's reputation as a playboy and all around ladies man is hard earned. With a massive muscular build and a panty-dropping smile, Pierce looks more like a male model than a former Marine sniper, but that doesn't make him any less lethal...