Chapter Thirty Seven

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The weight of his eyelids fought against him as he slowly blinked his way into consciousness. Pain erupted from his temples with every attempt to pry his heavy lids open and keep them that way, which was no easy task.

One eye opened easier than the other and he used it to focus on the blurred room that surrounded him.

Where the hell am I?

He lifted his head from the cold concrete to try and get his bearings, but felt the swift kick of a boot against his torso the second his head raised from the floor.

Pierce's abdominal muscles absorbed the impact of the boot, forcing out an angry grunt through his clenched jaw.

His body greeted the pain like an old friend and the blow seemed to jumpstart his adrenaline, helping him to gain his faculties that much faster, which he was grateful for.

Get close enough to kick me again. I fucking dare you.

Preparing his body for a second kick, Pierce tried to bring his hands up to defend himself, and found the zip ties securing his wrists in front of him. The man looked down at Pierce with an overconfident smile, watching Pierce flex against his restraints before making the mistake of moving in for a second kick.

Pierce skillfully swung his body, knocking the man's legs out from under him, sending him crashing awkwardly to the ground on his side before he could react. Using very little effort Pierce propelled his body up to his knees and lifted his bound hands up and over the man's neck, squeezing him into a tight headlock against his chest with his bicep.

"You think tying my hands is gonna stop me from beating your ass?" Pierce's thunderous voice echoed off of the walls.

The door to the room opened and a low voice with a thick accent assaulted Pierce's ears.

"Woah woah woah, Lockland. Easy now."


The sight of the man he hated most only caused Pierce to tighten his grip.

"Tell me where Natalie is." Pierce seethed, with a firm and unyielding hold on the man's windpipe.

Pierce was completely unfazed by the thrashing and fighting of the dying man in his arms and kept his furious eyes on Estrada.

"If you kill him you'll be doing me a favor. So go ahead." Estrada said coldly.

He's working you. Don't let up.

"I was planning on taking you to Natalie in the other room, until you decided to get homicidal. So if you wouldn't mind hurrying things along..."

The other room? Here? Natalie's here?

Estrada's words seized every muscle in Pierce's body, causing him to drop the man immediately into a crumpled pile onto the floor.

"Take me to her," Pierce growled.

Deep, sickeningly satisfied laughter hit Pierce's ears like nails on a chalkboard, but he would gladly welcome the sound and do anything Estrada asked if it meant he'd be taken to Natalie.

"See Lockland, I knew you'd play ball. Now can I trust that you'll behave so we can walk you down to the presidential suite you'll be staying in? There's a certain blondie who is dying to see you." A deep malicious grin was smeared across Estrada's face as he spoke.

Yes. I'll play the victim, I'll pretend to be weak and cooperative, just take me to my girl.

Pierce didn't give him an answer, his vocal cords were too clogged with hatred. Instead he dropped to a lowered position with his butt resting on his heels in a show of submission.

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