Chapter Forty Five

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Pierce ~

Five hours later, under the cover of night, Bravo and Delta teams had breached the walls of Estrada's estate. Nate had easily hacked into the security system of the manor and disabled it within minutes, allowing them to infiltrate the grounds completely undetected.

Bravo team was to clear the main house, while Delta team cleared the guest house, but both teams knew this was a take no prisoners mission. They were there for one reason and one reason only. To kill everything that moved within those walls.

Bravo team lined the side of the house, waiting quietly for Declan to pick the lock to ensure a completely silent entry.

"Bravo Four, movement coming around the side, on your six." Slater spoke into his throat mic letting Caleb know that someone was moving behind him.

"Copy," Caleb answered, his voice low and controlled as he pivoted his body and readied himself to ambush the man who was about to walk past him.

Caleb let go of his rifle, letting it hang across his chest and took out a knife, knowing that any kind of sound was to be avoided as he positioned himself with his back against the wall...waiting for his kill to come into view. As soon as the man walked by, Caleb rushed him from behind, plunging the knife into the man's neck from over his shoulder and dragging the blade across his throat. Pierce watched as Caleb easily took the dead man's weight and lowered the body to the ground quietly after his strike - a perfectly silent kill.

"One tango down." Caleb's voice whispered through the comms on this throat mic.

Declan opened the door to the main house slowly, pushing it open with his foot with his rifle raised and at the ready.

Declan swept his rifle to the right as Marcus entered behind him, sweeping to the left  while Pierce and Caleb came through the middle. After clearing the room, the men fanned out sweeping the house room by room completely in sync, with absolute precision.

Hearing his teammates call their all clears for each room was both good and bad. All clear meant no danger and no harm to his teammates, but all clear also meant no Estrada.

Where are you motherfucker?

The last room to be cleared was the master bedroom and Pierce's heart rate picked up as they readied themselves outside the door.

Declan held up a fist, giving the team a nonverbal gesture to stop moving as he silently opened the door and side stepped his way inside. 

The team slowly entered, controlling every muscle in their bodies as to not make a sound, because there, right in front of them, sleeping soundly in his bed...was Estrada.

"Bravo Three take point" Declan said into the mic, letting Pierce take the lead.

Pierce stalked his prey with his rifle poised and aimed, taking slow calculated steps toward the side of the bed. He stared down at the sorry excuse for a man lying in the bed and snarled his lip in disgust as he pressed the barrel of his rifle into Estrada's forehead.

Estrada's eyes shot open, but stifled his scream once he registered the cool metal against his head.

"Get the fuck up." Pierce growled.

"Lockland." Estrada gasped.

"I brought some friends with me too. We're gonna have some fun tonight." Pierce seethed, pushing Estrada to his knees on the floor.

With his hands shaking, Estrada lifted his arms into a surrender pose, showing his palms to the men who surrounded him.

"I'm unarmed," Estrada begged in an unsteady voice.

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