Chapter Forty Two

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Pierce ~

Pierce leaned forward, bracing his arms on his knees with his head in his hands in the hospital waiting room.

His emotional threshold had been reached and his body shut itself down, trying to make the world slow down and be still as he sat there processing, sending up silent prayer after silent prayer for Natalie to be okay.

The logical and analytical side of his brain tried to prepare him for all of the possible outcomes. It's what he was trained to do, to look at a situation from every angle in order to be prepared for any and all scenarios, but this was different. Every time he pictured his life without Natalie in it, his soul would scream and fight against the notion, causing his bones to ache and his muscles to contract as if his body physically rejected the idea.

He grabbed the back of his head, taking in fistfuls of his own hair as he flexed his upper body, trying to contain his internal screams and howls of pain that were threatening to erupt at any moment.

The team had given him space, but Caleb came over and dropped his tired frame into the seat next to him, mimicking Pierce's posture and letting out a hard sigh.

Caleb didn't speak, he just extended an arm out and squeezed Pierce's shoulder, giving him a nonverbal gesture of support.

I owe Caleb so damn much. I can't believe I said the shit I said to him. 

"Listen Caleb...what I said back there...I didn't mean...I never thought that you had...I mean I never doubted...." Pierce couldn't find the words to explain why said the things he said, but fumbled along in his incoherent rambling until Caleb interrupted him.

"I know. You don't have to explain it to me." Caleb said immediately.

"I feel like shit. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

"I get it man, you were scared for your girl. That was your fear talkin', not you. I know that. People say crazy shit when they're scared."

Pierce appreciated how understanding Caleb was, not that it surprised him in the least.

He nodded in acceptance of Caleb's instant forgiveness despite feeling like he didn't deserve it.

"How the hell did you guys find us anyway?"

"That was all Nate. Nate tracked Estrada's movements once he crossed the border, and realized one of Estrada's men, Marco I think, had his actual cell on him instead of a burner phone like the rest of em'. Nate tracked it right to the cabin. We followed them right to you." Declan answered as he took a seat on the other side of Pierce.

"Once the shooting started Estrada and Damion let their goons take the hits and high tailed it out of there." Declan added.

"Fucking pussies." Marcus grumbled.

"And you didn't go after them?" Pierce asked selfishly.

"It was either go after them or come help Nat... and I think we made the right choice, all things considered."

Nice job Pierce, why don't try to offend and insult every member of the team while you're at it.

"I know, I know...Fuck... I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't say anything right."

He ran his hand through his hair and blew out a hard breath, trying to calm his jolted nerves, but it was no use. As much as he was trying to conceal it, he was pissed - pissed at the whole damn world for trying to take his girl away from him.

How are we here again, doing this again?

Pierce kept his eyes forward, staring at the ground in front of him still in disbelief that the team was in another waiting room, waiting to hear the fate of another woman that they loved. First Lexi, now Natalie.

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