Chapter Thirty Eight

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Pierce ~

The world felt like it had shifted on its axis beneath Pierce's feet, knocking him off balance and rendering him unable to stand.

His mind had finally put together all of the terrifying puzzle pieces as to why they allowed him to be in the same room with Natalie.

They aren't going to torture me. They are going to torture her and make me watch... An eye for an eye.

The look of horror on her face as she came to the same conclusion was a look that he would never forget. It gutted him, tearing his heart into a thousand pieces that he would never be able to fit back together.

Damion and Ivan held her limbs down as she thrashed and squirmed beneath their hands, fighting like crazy against their strength to try and free herself before the knife made its way to her skin.

"Don't fucking touch her! It's me you want!" Pierce roared, trying to convince Estrada to bring the knife back over and use it on his flesh instead of Natalie's.

Estrada moved the table, giving Pierce a front row seat to his horrific show before he stood over Natalie with his feet on either side of her torso. He maintained eye contact with Pierce as he leaned over and hovered the knife a few inches from Natalie's flesh, causing her to let out a terrified scream.

Her screams shredded Pierce's heart to pieces and his body literally rejected the sound, shuttering and flexing against it as if it were poison to his soul.

"Stop! It's me you want, Estrada! I killed Mario! Hurt me!" Pierce screamed.

Estrada stalled his movement briefly, smiling at Pierce's agony.

"That's exactly what I'm doing...hurting you." Estrada hissed as he lowered the knife toward Natalie's skin.

"Look at me Nat! Keep your eyes on me baby." Pierce begged as he accepted that Estrada was going to follow through with his sick show no matter what he yelled from across the room. Now he needed to focus on Natalie, to try and comfort her in any way that he could.

She turned her head with tears streaming down her face, still squirming and fighting against the men that were holding her.

The knife in Estrada's hand was only inches from her skin and she turned her gaze toward the knife to try and anticipate where he was going to cut her first.

"Don't you fucking look at him Nat, you look at me. Keep your eyes on me." Pierce commanded frantically, knowing that blade was about to cut through Natalie's soft skin.

She did as he asked immediately and held his gaze with the most terrified expression he'd ever seen on a person.

"Keep your eyes on me Nat. It's just you and me baby." his voice was dripping with pain as he tried to comfort her.

She gave him a tearful nod just before the blade started dragging across her skin.

Estrada barely grazed the edge against her flesh, starting at her collar bone, slowly dragging the sharp blade down her torso leaving a thin red line it's wake.

Natalie screamed and squirmed, but was powerless to the men who were holding her. She kept her head turned toward Pierce, but her eyes were squeezed shut as she fought the pain of her flesh being torn.

"Listen to my voice Nat! I'm right here sweetheart!" He screamed desperately, hoping she could hold onto the sound of his voice.

Pierce strained and pulled against his restraints, prepared to break his own arms if it meant he could get to Natalie and stop the carnage in front of him.

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