Chapter 5

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 = ̄ω ̄= iN jUmAnJi = ̄ω ̄=

Everyone groaned, their heads spinning. They landed back in the same forest they had first seen upon entering Jumanji. Rudy groaned, pushing himself off of the ground. Rudy swiveled his head, carefully observing his surroundings. He effortlessly leaped up, and Rudy started to question reality.

"Huh? If I remember correctly, the last time I was in this game, me and effort were a no go. Now I can get up without a care in the world?" Rudy mused out loud, sending out a pitched scream as a woman fell from the sky, her whip of long hair slapping him.

"What the- Nikita, get off me!" Rudy screamed, staring at Madame Verity.

"Nikit- who are you? Hold on... WHY ARE YOU IN MY JUMANJI BODY?" The woman screamed, pulling at Rudy's face.

"NIKITA, I'M RUDY! NOW GET OFF OF ME!" Rudy cried, prying the hands of his face.

"WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME NIKITA- Wait did you say you're... RUDY??" The woman said, astonished.


The woman was quiet for a few moments. "Rudy. I think you might want to know that I am definitely NOT Nikita, or a girl at all for that matter. I was born a MALE. My name is AIDEN. NOW WHY ARE You SCIMITAR BLADE? THAT'S ME!"

Rudy stared at the woman who claimed to be Aiden. Suddenly he rocketed off to the river to get a glimpse of his face. Rudy started to run back to the woman, "You're Aiden. Oh my god..."

Aiden rolled his eyes, "Yes, you numbskull!"

"And... You're- You're a GIRL!!" Rudy burst out laughing.

"Oh yeah, have a laugh. Just wait as I kick you in your soft spot, Rudy. I'll be spared from that pain!" Aiden cackled, an evil smile plastered on his face.

Rudy gulped, "I'm done laughing now. Anyway, I think Jumanji shuffled our characters. But if I'm you... and you're Nikita's character... then where is everyone else?"

Aiden looked around thoughtfully, suddenly running back a few steps, "Well Rudy, I think they're right above you!"

Rudy looked up, only to be showered in groaning Jumanji bodies.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH, IT'S THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! NOW GET OFF ME, PERSON DIGGING THEIR ELBOW IN MY GUT!" Rudy shouted, breaking through the mass of bodies piled on top of him.

"Serves you right for laughing, Rudy." Aiden said, snickering.

"Oh stop. You're the one with the hideous clothing. I mean, who taught you a fashion sense?" A voice rang out.

Rudy and Aiden, in their new characters mind you, looked around only to see Rudy's character Viper Lazybones.

"Aiden... there is only one person I know who would say things like that. You are in her character," Rudy said, gaping at the person in front of them.

"Yep, that has got to be Nikita." Aiden said, grinning.

"What are you talking about? Wait... THAT'S MY CHARACTER! WHO ARE YOU, IMPOSTER?" Nikita said, lunging at Aiden.

Aiden feigned disappointment, "I am very much a Crewmate, thank you very much. The game apparently switched up our characters."

"Aiden... did you do a murder ?" Rudy asked in a falsetto pitch, cackling. He earned looks from both Aiden and Nikita.

The other characters in the pile slowly stood up, and accusations were flown all over the place.

A few minutes later, Mini furrowed her eyebrow and said, "Right, so if I got this right, Madame Verity is Aiden, Niki is Viper Lazybones, Rudy is Scimitar Blade, I am myself, and Brynne is the seer. But then, who are you 2?" She said, pointing at Princess Lightningale and Aubergine Crusher. "Are either of you Aru?" She asked hopefully.

Aubergine looked at Mini and shook her head, "I'm Hira, and my guess is that she," she pointed to the Princess, "is Keira." The Princess just nodded in response.

Keira looked around, impressed, "I don't feel sick anymore. I feel extremely... healthy! I can... I can run, and jump, and... I CAN BREATHE WITHOUT A VENTILATOR!"

Everyone looked at her, their expressions softening. After all, this was a girl who spent most of her life in a hospital, who is now free of all the binds.

Hira looked around in awe - trying to divert their minds, "Where are we?"

Mini, who was once again, Booksy Skullshade, sighed, "Welcome to the forest of Jumanji. The most annoying place in the most annoying video game in history."

Hira gaped, "We're in the game?"

Brynne nodded, "Yeah, and you took my character."

Hira looked at her outfit, "Well, I'm sorry. I can't control this."

Aiden jumped in, "At least you're still a girl. I'm supposed to be a dude. And frankly, this outfit is NOT my forte. How'd you survive this Nikita?"

Rudy raised an eyebrow, and Mini unknowingly blushed. Rudy smiled, "Dude, we all knew this was destiny. I mean, I'm naturally handsomer than you."

Aiden groaned, "You're definitely not smarter than me, because any one with half a brain would know you're not. Also, handsomer isn't a word."

Rudy huffed, and opened his mouth to speak again.

Brynne walked in between them rubbing her temples in annoyance, "BOYS!" She looked at Aiden, "I mean, Lady and...Rudy. Calm down."

Rudy feigned hurt, "I am a gentleman."

Brynne snorted, "Yeah, and I'm an ostrich." She patted Rudy's shoulder, "Keep dreaming buddy."

While Brynne and Rudy were bickering, Keira used the opportunity to inspect herself in the river nearby. She smiled. She felt really pretty - something she didn't feel in the real world. Keira reached to her reflection, and it was too late before the others noticed.

Mini gasped as a hippo bit Keira in half, causing her to explode. Hira didn't know what to say, but she sighed in relief when Princess Lightningale fell out of the sky and onto Rudy. Of course...Rudy wasn't all that thrilled at being used as a cushion multiple times already.

Aiden looked around, "So...if we're here. And Sheela and Boo are back in the real world. Then...where's Aru?"

Rudy shoved Keira off of him, not worried about the now healthy girl because she healthy. He got up, helping her up as well. Rudy sighed, "I mean, I guess she could have been put into a new character?"

Mini nodded, pacing around. She looked up, assessing her friends, "But who could she be?"



Aiden is Madame Verity

Keira is Princess Lightningale.

Hira is Aubergine Crusher

Rudy is Scimitar Blade

Brynne is The Seer 

Mini is Booksy Skullshade

Nikita is Viper Lazybones


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