chapter 28

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The sound of the wind outside woke Aurora up.

The curtain wher flying wildly as she balcony doors has been left open, letting the air in the room turn cold and harsh and snow had ended up littering the floor.

Aurora shivered burying herself deeper into the covers, there soft touch warming her naked body as her eyes lids fluttered slowly getting used to the light.

She began to become aware of the persons presence beside her. Holding her close into their chest, their hand resting gently against her hip and their head layed on the crook of her neck so their soft warm breath tickled her neck.

Her eyes glanced down to make sure she wasnt dreaming that it wasnt just some strange dream that felt all to real.

But it wasnt, Tom hand lay there agianst her pale skin very much real.

She could feel the coldness of his rings contrast from his warm skin that was snaked around her body.

Aurora allowed her hand to slowly trail over Tom's, feeling the divots of the patterns on his rings, the slight raise of his veins. Feeling his breath wisp agians ther neck, his soft hair brushing the side of her face she began to think.

Think of last night.

How he'd made her feel. What he'd said. What he did.

Aurora became aware of the tinge of an ache inbetween of her legs and whinced.

She began to feel something in her stomach, but not the feeling she had last night. No it was much heavier, much denser like it was dragging her back down to earth away from the paradise she had visited last night.

It was guilt.

She felt guilty for sleeping with Tom. To giving into his and her needs, letting her body react before her mind. How could she have done this? How could she have let him do this? How could she had desperately wanted this?

She felt as if she was going to be sick, suddenly having Tom next to her was no longer soothing nor comforting. He was too close, to warm it made her feel like she was suffocating.

She sat up carefully dropping Tom's hand into his stomach gently as she grabbed his shirt from the bedroom floor pulling it to cover her shivering body as she stood up.

Her feet felt like ice as the wind made the curtains dance against the walls. the snow was floating gently outside it looked very peaceful as the small flakes added to the layer of white that covered everything in sight, like powdered sugar.

She walked over quickly closing the doors with a small click. She just stood there, hugging herself to try preserve some heat to her body, staring aimlessly out into the the balcony watching the snow drift silently around in the air like tiny pieces of clouds falling down from the sky.

Someone had once told Aurora that when it snowed it sound proofed outside, that's why it always seemed so peaceful and quiet as the whiteness sprinkled over the gardens bushes and flowers, hiding there lucious green behind a thick curtain of pure white.

Aurora tensed when hands snaked there way around her waist resting on her stomach. Someones hot breath against her neck, his hair tickling her ear.

"Why'd you get up?" Tom whispered moving her hair behind her as he pressed a few soft warm kisses to the side of her neck slowly.

Aurora was stiff, her arms around herself now felt as if they where for protection, her entire back was pressed flush against Tom's bare chest. He was only standing in black briefs, She only in his shirt, it made her feel terribly vubreble.

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